Chapter 46.

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Mina's POV :

I'm outside of Somi's apartment, waiting for Chaeyoung to come out

I cooked Chaeyoung's favorite shrimp, because she loves it so much and I even bought a strawberry cake for her

I was serious when I told Jeongyeon that I would beg Chaeyoung to come back to me even over and over again

After about an hour of waiting, she finally went out but she's with Somi while their hands intertwined

I bitterly smile to see her holding Somi's hand while I am still holding hers

They were about to get into their car so I immediately got out of my car and ran towards them while holding the shrimp I cooked and the strawberry cake I bought

"Chaeyoung" I called her

"what are you doi-----"

"get in the car first, I'll follow after this" Chaeyoung cutted Somi off

But before Somi got into the car, she pecked Chaeyoung's lips and looked at me from head to toe

"just a seconds okay?" Somi said, Chaeyoung just nodd in response

The moment Somi get in the car, I approach Chaeyoung with a smile

"here, for you" I said and handed the shrimp and strawberry cake

She took it but she did not show me an any expression, her aura is totally cold

The first thing she opened was the shrimp

"it's your favori-----"

I didn't finish my sentence when she suddenly threw the shrimp and when she opened the cake, she threw it at me so my clothes got dirty and the icing of the cake went to my face

After she did, she smirked and turned her back, she was about to get in the car but I suddenly spoke while on the verge of tears

"when the day comes that I am already tired and you come back, I will get up again for you"

"when you come back where I really don't want to anymore, I will find another reason to want it again"

"when the day comes that I will give up on you and then you come back, I will fight for you again"

My tears flows after I said those while her back facing me

"when you are ready to rewrite our story, I won't let you cut it again anymore" my last sentence and turn around as I walk away

I got back in my car and cried out my heart she broke again while my head leaning on the steering wheel

Jeongyeon called me but I did not bother to answer her call.


Chaeyoung's POV :

"if that Mina doesn't stop bothering you, I will face her" Somi said firmly

"it's okay, don't mind that trash" I said while driving

She held my hand while drawing a circle on my palm, while my free hand was driving

She unbuttoned my clothes and started kissing my neck

"babe don't be naughty I'm driving, we might have an accident" I said

She did not listen and continued kissing my neck so I parked the car and stopped driving

As soon as I park the car, she immediately sat on my lap as she wrapped her hand around my nape. I put my hands on her waist for her support

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