Part 4 - Is He Okay?

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A/N : Hey! Apology is at the end, but I would like to ask for more comments! I love getting constructive criticism and feedback! I see all of your comments, and they never fail to make me smile! Thank you, and to the chapter!

• POV : Tommy •
.•° Timeskip about six months °•.

Me and Rose were out chopping wood for the fireplace, as I couldn't leave Rose alone in the house... She also whined and pouted till she got to come with.

Rose seemed distracted with a yellow flower and was babbling something about a bee and moths, while I did the work. She had learnt a few sentences, like "I'm hungry." and "I love you daddy!" and, to my dismay, "Jump in the caac!". She had learnt that from Wilbur, and I had told her not to repeat my mistakes, but she simply stuck out her tongue at me, to which Wilbur laughed at. Let's just say, Wilbur hadn't gotten out of punishment.

The snap of a twig broke me out of my thoughts, as I held my axe with a firm grip. I scooted closer to Rose as the breaking of foliage got louder, as if whatever was in there didn't care if they were being noisy.

Suddenly, the foliage parted, and out came a tired Tubbo with an arrow through his arm, and multiple cuts and tears at the edges of his pant legs. He froze at the sight of me, and didn't seem to see Rose just yet.

" T-Tommy? "

" Tubbo?! "

I dropped my axe, rushing over to brace Tubbo as he lost balance, and sit him down gently. I put Rose in her toddler sling, and picked up Tubbo bridal style, rushing to my house.

.•° Third Pov °•.

Tubbo had been placed in a spare bed in the guest room. Tommy was so glad he had built that. Tommy was currently pacing at the end board of the bed, arms crossed and an anxious look in his eyes. Rose was holding her favorite pastel pink blanket in one hand, and moth in the other.

" Is Toobo gonna be okai? " She asked nervously. Rose already seemed to be a very compassionate little girl, always trying her best to help. A few days ago, she had found a butterfly with a torn wing, and had taken it home to help it. It had died the first night, and when she woke up the next morning to see it dead, she cried for four hours straight, then sulked for another hour before Tommy had taken her to go see Uncle Technoblade.

" I'm not too sure, Rose- " He stopped himself when he saw the tears growing at the edge of her blue eyes. Her eyes usually reminded him of the beach, when the water is calm and clear, with a slight shade of blue, and you can see every little rock under the surface of the water. When she was mad, her eyes were a darker shade of blue, almost like a thundering, stormy sea, with only the lightning lighting the sky. But when she was sad, they held a depressed color, like a very dull grey of the aftermath of a large storm, but you can still see the small flame of passion and purity in her soul. (A/N : sorry I really like description of eyes... sorry if that sounded weird)

" Don't cry Rose! Uhm- here! He'll wake up soon, do you want to sit with him on the bed? " He patted the bed softly, and anxiety filled, soft grin placed on his face. He sighed softly in relief as Rose nodded, wiping away her tears, and let her father scoop her up, being placed on the bed gently. Once she was on the bed, she crawled closer to Tubbo, placing her moth in his hand, and snuggling into his side. Tommy's heart melted, as a gentle smile graced his lips.

Tommy stepped out into the kitchen, going to get himself a coke. When he walked back in, Tubbo was sitting up and cradling a giggling Rose, a smile placed on both of their faces. Tubbo looked up to Tommy, and his smile fell. He handed Rose to Tommy, despite Roses complaints, gazing at the floor guiltily. He finally spoke, his voice quiet, laced with guilt.

" I guess I should explain, huh? "

Words : 794 (including notes)

A/N : AAAAAAAAA IM SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING- I'll try to post every few days, but I was hit with a massive wave of writers block, and then I was busy, and AAAAAAAAA- Sorry again for having this chapter so short, I just felt I needed to post something for you guys. Again, I'm so sorry, and I hoped you liked this chapter!

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