Part 5 - Sleepy Explanations

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"I guess I should explain, huh?"

Tommy rolled his eyes. His friend could be so dense sometimes.

" Ya think? "

Tubbo rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous smile gracing his lips. Tommy offered him some food so he could regenerate health. He let out an awkward chuckle and accepted it gratefully, and gazed at the ground, his smile fading as he finished quickly. Rose noticed and tried to squirm out of Tommy's grasp, making him let her go. She tottered over and patted his knee, wanting up. Tubbo tilted his head like a confused puppy, and picked her up, setting her on his knee. She gazed up and him, hugging her moth. She glanced down at her moth, and an idea sparked in her mind.

"Toobo, can you name my moth? Cause I weally like my moth, and he needs a good name!" She said, excitement shining in her eyes. Tubbo couldn't help but smile at her, I mean, she looked so innocently happy!

"Hmm, how about... Fluffy! Do you like Fluffy?" Tubbo asked, his grin growing as she nodded eagerly.

"Toobo, do you know where Fuffy's fwend is? Fuffy needs his fwend!" She asked, still smiling. Tubbo asked what Fluffy's friend looked like, so she explained. "Fuffy's fwend is a bee named Buzzy, and their best fwends! They need to find eachother, so they can go on adventwers!" Rose rambled on and on about all the adventures Fluffy and Buzzy had been on, and how they got lost. Tubbo nodded, still smiling, but had a sad glimmer in his eyes. Rose didn't pick up on it this time.

"I'll make sure to look for him. We'll find him." Tubbo promised. Rose stuck out her pinky finger, as if wanting him to promise her. They promised, smiling to one another.

Rose yawned, eyelids drooping after babbling some more about Fluffy and Buzzy. She kept trying to stay awake, but she eventually fell asleep in Tubbo's arms, snoring softly and cuddling her newly named moth. Tubbo had a gentle smile on his lips as he rocked Rose back and forth in his arms slowly.

Tommy stepped forward quietly and sat next to Tubbo, a weak smile gracing his lips.

"I swear she is the smartest fvcking kid." Tommy whispered to Tubbo, gazing at Rose with a caring expression. Tubbo noticed his expression and smiled tiredly.

"She looks a lot like you too. So, did you adopt her, or...?" He trailed off, but Tommy knew exactly what he meant. He gently shoved Tubbo's shoulder.

"I obviously adopted her, you bxtch!" He whisper yelled at the shorter brunette. Tubbo cackled, enjoying this energy around them. It was almost like how they were before the exile, and Tubbo didn't want to let go of this moment. Tommy sighed and scooped up Rose, saying he would be right back, and carried her to her crib. He came back a few moments later, and sat back on the bed, Tubbo gazing at his shoes awkwardly.

"So, about that explanation...?" Tommy asked gently, seeming concerned. Tubbo looked up, seeming a bit shocked at his best friends concern, but explained anyways.

"O-oh, right. Well, about a day ago, I went to visit you and logstedshire, but the entire place was blown up," Tommy scoffed and muttered something along the lines of 'its about damn time' but Tubbo ignored him and continued. "So I looked around, and I found a tall pillar, so I assumed the worst. I decided to ask Technoblade, Wil, and Phil about it, as they were the closest, and they are your family. I asked them, and they said that you were alive, and that you lived on the outskirts of a little village. I went the way they told me, but... well... maybe sorta got turned around and never found the village?" Tommy huffed and shook his head, rolling his eyes. Tubbo nudged him in the side with his elbow and continued on. "It had turned to nighttime as I was wandering the forest. That's when a skeleton shot me. I didn't have any food to regen health," he yawned in the middle of his sentence, his eyelids growing heavier. " so I had to run. I was running from mobs all night. Then the next morning I found you..." Tubbo trailed off, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Tommy shushed him, an understanding look in his eyes.

"Shush, Tubs. You can sleep, it's okay, I understand." Tommy laid Tubbo down, but as he turned around to leave, he felt Tubbo grab his wrist.

"Please don't leave..." Tubbo pleaded sleepily. Tommy scoffed and walked over to him, getting under the covers next to him. Tubbo instantly cuddled into his chest, yawning quietly. Tommy smiled and hugged Tubbo to his chest, resting his head on Tubbo's.

"Goodnight Tubs."

"G'night Tom-Tom."

And for the first time in awhile, Tubbo felt safe.

Words : 815

A/n : You don't know how many times I yawned writing the yawning bits. I'm not even tried either! Also, HOLY MOTHER OF MAYHEM- YOU GUYS- WH-

 I'm not even tried either! Also, HOLY MOTHER OF MAYHEM- YOU GUYS- WH-

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- Sunny

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