Being Poor Isn't An Option

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[This is a sad story about homeless triplets named Wanda, Wenda, and Winda.]

It was very cold night in Wolf City, three 12-year old werewolf pups that were triplets named Wanda, Wenda, and Winda were sitting at some alleyway. Wanda was looking for leftover food in some trash cans, she found some sticky pizza. "Look, a slice of pizza." Wanda smiled. "Finally, I'm starving." Wenda sighed in relief, the three werewolf pups shared the slice of pizza. Their father that was a werewolf named Wilson abandoned the triplets because he was struggling of being a single father of three, the triplets met their mother that was a werewolf named Willa only one time, she passed away due to childbirth. "Mom only held us one time..." Winda whimpered. "Dad could kill himself..." Wanda added. [The next day] The triplets were looking for something to eat for breakfast, Wenda looked at her paw.

All the triplets had were two quarters, a string, and a button. "I don't think any of the restaurants will accept...." Wenda whimpered. "I guess we'll have to dig into the trash again..." Wanda sighed. A stein named Frank was passing by, he was about to eat his bacon and egg sandwich for lunch, but he noticed the triplets. Frank look at his sandwich, he did a sigh in guilt. [A few moments later] Winda was digging through the trash, until Frank came along with his sandwich. "You three can have it, you need it more than I do..." Frank whimpered. "T-Thank you, this is the first bacon and egg sandwich we've had in years..." Winda smiled. [A few moments later] The triplets had their tasty and satisfying breakfast. "We didn't have to eat anything dirty this time!" Wenda smiled. [A few hours later] It was finally noon.

Wanda noticed a scrappy 20-dollar bill on the ground. "Look, a 20-dollar bill!" Wanda yipped. "I could probably use it to buy us some lunch." Winda smiled, taking the dollar bill. [A few moments later] Two 16-year olds that were know as a stein named Eunice and a mummy named Mumette were chilling until they noticed Winda holding the 20-dollar bill. "Look, a kid with a 20-dollar bill." Mumette pointed out, Winda was still walking until Eunice bumped right into her. "Uh uhm..." Winda mumbled. "What are you doing with that dollar bill?" Eunice asked curiously. "To buy lunch for me and my sisters, why?" Winda dropped. "We sell lunch down that alleyway." Mumette lied, trying to lure Winda. [A few moments later] "Where's the lunch?" Winda asked confused, Eunice and Mumette did some evil snickers at Winda.

"Mumette, grab her." Eunice ordered, Mumette yanked Winda's arms back as if she was getting handcuffed. "Ow, stop!" Winda begged. "Prepare for a beating kid." Mumette laughed, the older girls began to beat Winda up. Back with Wanda and Wenda... "Winda should be back by now." Wenda whimpered. "We should go and check." Wanda suggested. [A few moments later] Wanda and Wenda noticed Winda's hat on the ground. "Winda's hat, maybe she's at this alleyway." Wenda thought, walking inside. [A few moments later] Wanda and Wenda heard some crying and laughing. "Where is that coming from?" Wanda asked worried, they turned around and gasped. Winda was just crying on the ground helplessly, as Eunice and Mumette were constantly laughing at her. "Crybaby!" Eunice laughed.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Wenda yelled. "LEAVE HER ALONE, THAT'S OUR SISTER!" Wanda screamed in anger, Eunice and Mumette turned around. "What did you two just say?" Mumette asked angrily, approaching Wanda and Wenda, Wanda kicked her right in the gut. "OW!" Mumette whimpered, her and Eunice began to runaway, afraid of Wanda. Winda had a crooked ear, a red gash on her cheek, a black eye, a large scar on arm, a swelled leg, a bloody nose, and scars along with bruises all over her fur. "Are you okay?" Wenda asked concerned. "I'm fine, it's just that everything really hurts..." Winda sighed, shedding a few tears. "We should tell the police, only if we had a phone..." Wanda whimpered. [The next day] The triplets were digging the trash for food at the same alleyway were Winda was beaten up.

But they heard some grunting and grumbling, they went more deeper into the alleyway and gasped, a 17-year old werewolf named Willow was getting beaten up by Eunice and Mumette. "Look, her phone!" Wenda pointed out, Winda picked it up and called 911. "Hello, apparently two teenage girls are beating up a 17-year ol-" Winda was cut off by Eunice grabbing her, but Willow began to fight back. [A few moments later] Eunice and Mumette were groaning on the ground. "And never mess with me again." Willow growled. "Thanks for helping us, I guess..." Wanda sighed. "Yeah, we're kind of homeless so..." Wenda whimpered. "Living in poverty? I live in poverty as well..." Willow added. "You do?" Winda asked surprised. "Yeah, but not like homeless..." Willow exhaled. "What do you mean?" Wanda questioned.

"My mom passed away, my dad is just stressed out of being a father of three teenagers. Me and my sisters have to ride our bikes, then we would swim across a river along with climbing a mountain to school, kids pick on us because of it." Willow explained. "Our father abandoned us because he was stressed of being a single father of three, we feel safer on the streets anyway, he would abuse us." Wenda stated. "Well, I would take you to my house, but I don't think my dad can take it with six kids in the house..." Willow sighed. [A few moments later] "Dad, this is Wanda, Wenda, and Winda, they're homeless triplets I found at the alleyway." Willow exhaled. "It's six kids and one adult, but I'll try my best to take care of the both of you." Willow's father named Wookiee smiled. The triplets did some smiles, they finally had a home.

[A few moments later] Wookie was giving the triplets, Willow, and Willow's younger twin sisters named Wendy and Windy beans for dinner. "I've haven't had beans before..." Wanda sighed. "What do you  mean?" Windy asked confused. "Our dad couldn't afford them at the store, our mom would make it if she hadn't passed away giving birth to us." Winda whimpered. "Our mom died in a car accident, she decided to drive drunk..." Wendy added. "Well, both of them are looking down at us." Wookiee smiled, trying to cheer the girls up, the new family of seven couldn't be more than happy.

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