Cyber Escape

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[In a cyber-enhanced country named Wolfola, werewolves are separated by their ethnicity, Weredonian and Wolfdonian. A Wolfdonian named Wayne and a half-Wolfdonian and half-Weredonian called Wanda must escape.]

Before people colonized it, all of the werewolves united in Wolfola. They didn't believe one werewolf should rule over another because of their skill or attributes, but then the bat cronies came. They were from a country named Cronia and wanted to expand their empire without upsetting Wolfolains.

The Wolfdonians were taller, had more gray fur, and were stronger. However, the Weredonians were shorter, had a blend of gray and light brown fur, and were weaker.

The Cronians split Wolfola into two states, Wolfdonia and Weredonia. Wolfdonia had enormous buildings and was completely cyber-enhanced, while Weredonia had smaller buildings and was only partially cyber-enhanced.

There were laws in place to keep Wolfdonians separate from Weredonians. They couldn't have unnecessary contact, marry each other, have a family, and many more things.

All Weredonians had to get a chip placed on their heads so they were identified if they went into Wolfdonia.

Present Day

Wayne walked down the street on his phone. Wanda was walking behind him and noticed his tie fell off. She picked it up and tapped Wayne's back.

"Uh sir, you dropped your tie," whimpered Wanda.

"Oh, thanks," said Wayne. He looked at what Wanda wore. "You must do something important."

"I just have to deliver some files to President Bela," said Wanda. A bat-crony officer saw Wanda's chip and her interacting with Wayne. He walked up to Wanda and electrocuted her with his baton. "AH!"

"Don't interact with Wolfdonians, you illegal child!" growled the officer. Wayne gasped and tried helping Wanda, but the officer put the baton before him. "Don't worry, sir, this Weredonian filth won't interact with you."

Wayne sighed and walked away.


Wanda arrived at President Bela's office.

"Here are the files, sir," said Wanda.

"Late again, illegal child," said Bela, taking the files. He then slapped Wanda across the face. "Go home now."

Wanda sighed and walked out of the office. As she headed to the gate, she realized she still had Wayne's tie.

"I never gave it back to him," said Wanda, walking into Weredonia. She entered a small house and placed Wayne's tie on a table. "Winda, Brandon, I'm home!"

Winda and Brandon were Wanda's older siblings.

"How was work today?" asked Winda.

"Not great, the president slapped me across the face again because I was late," whimpered Wanda. "I was late because a bat-crony officer electrocuted me."

"Again? This government is corrupt!" growled Brandon.

"They're the reason why Mom and Dad are dead and why I'm illegal," sighed Wanda. She picked up Wayne's tie and sighed. "I need to give this back."

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