Chapter 1

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Killua's Pov:

"God these people are annoying." I say as I set my drink down, I then Spot Alluka who is running down the stairs like cinderella running away from the prince or whatever his name is. "Big brother!" Alluka exclaimed as she ran to hug her older brother.

"Hey princess, you're looking beautiful today.", I say sweetly towards my little sister.

Alluka was they only person I've ever cared about in this god forsaken family of mine, the rest of my family would normally belittle me or would hurt me and my precious little sister. I would normally be the one having to protect Alluka from being the one having to go through such harsh and treatment. I've never really trusted anyone besides my little sister, I didn't have any friends because they thought I was better than them in some way? I don't know its kinda dumb.

"Do you like my dress! Kalluto made it for me!" She said jumping up and down, twirling around to showcase her silk pink laced dress.

"You look beautiful, Alluka.", I answered, softly smiling.

"You don't look have bad yourself." she said.

'I guess I don't look half as bad' I thought to myself. I wore a designer navy blue suit with some black closed toed shoes.

"Why thank you my little princess" I responded with a small chuckle.

I would normal-

"KILLUA!!!" I hear from a familiar voice behind me, one I don't like.

"Killua there you are! Where have you been I've been looking everywhere for you, This house is way to big for me to find you." She kept blabbering. This girl is Retz, She apparently has a crush on me and bugs me all the time at school, why cant she just leave me alone and bug someone else. Retz is one of the Popular girls at my school, she bullies people just because she can and parties a lot dragging me along with her.

"Retz." I say in a annoyed toned voice.

"Anyway I wondering if you would dance with me. Other couples are dancing together and I'm so lonely by myself." She states with a lonely seductive tone. God how annoying.

" Sorry I was just about to go somewhere with Alluka." I say holding Alluka hand about to walk away from this pest.

"W-wait! You promised to dance with me a few days ago!" She cried getting the attention of other people.

"I said not such thing." I said clearly annoyed by her and walk away with Alluka.

"Onii-Chan, wasn't that a bit harsh." She said a bit sadden by looking back to see Retz crying.

"No, she'll be fine she can pester alone for all I care." She then pinched my ear.

"H-hey Alluka!" I said yelping at this action.

"Be nicer to people!" She said.

"O-okay, okay! you can l-let go now!" I told her.

"Okay! lets go to place I've been wanting to show you!" She said grabbing my hand again.

'What am I going to do with
you' I through a bit annoyed she did that, but then let it go.

Gon's pov:

I started walking along the trail of a nice forest to get my mind of school. Things haven't been going so well, my friend thing I'm taking band about them, I have a bad grade on report which Mito- San didn't like very much and yelled at me for it, and the fact a girl named Retz it picking on me with her smug friends it doesn't help at all.
I started walking to another path and was in aw to see how beautiful this path was.

" How beautiful

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" How beautiful." I said to my self.
" Wow! Look onii- Chan how pretty!" I heard a girls voice. She had someone with her.

I look behind me and show a small girl with black hair with ocean blue eyes and a silk pink-laced dress along with a boy who looked around my age but a bit taller. He had silver white hair and beautiful sapphire blue eyes, he also had nice looking clothes like he went to a fancy party.

His cold sapphire eyes then looked at me. Ours eyes met just for a moment before I turned my head. 'He super cute!' I screamed in my head, my face felt hot.

" Oi." The voice spoke.
I turned myself around to met his eyes again.

" This is private property, you shouldn't be here." He said sternly.

" Ah! I'm so sorry I didn't know that! I just followed this path because I thought it looked nice! I'm sorry!" I said in a panic rambling.

KIllua's Pov:

"Ah! I'm so sorry I didn't know that! I just followed this path because I thought it looked nice! I'm sorry!" The boy said in a panicked voice. Was he rambling?

'He's cute~' I thought for a second. He had beautiful amber eyes and black hair maybe slightly litter than Alluka's hair.

"If you're lost than I can help you find your way out" I said look at him straight in the eye

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"If you're lost than I can help you find your way out" I said look at him straight in the eye.

"N-no, it's fine I can find my way out, thank you for asking though!" He said before turning around and leaving.
" Onii- Chan we should go back mom and dad might yell at us for leaving the party." She said look at me

" ah- sure let's head back." I said going out of thought.

We started heading back. 'I have a feeling I'll see him again' he was pretty cute.

Hey!! Author here! This is my first book on this app so I hope you like it, it may not make sense and there may be spelling mistakes so I'm sorry for that😅
Bur i hoped you enjoyed it! Bye! ✌️❤️

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