Part 22

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The Jeon family arrived at the Parks . The doors were opened by the guards "Welcome to the Park's" the Jeon's got out of the car and than Mr Jeon carried their kookie . They went inside the house where the Parks were waiting and kookie was waving his hands to the maids and the guards standing to greet them they smiled at the adorable bunny and all thought in mind "No wonder young master likes him"

Mr Jeon put kookie down and kookie ran giggling to Mr Park "Hewo" Mr Parked him up and pecked his squishy cheeks "Lemme see what you are wearing wow , you look like a really pretty princess" Mr Parks said Mrs Parks smiled at the adorable younger and she knew who this baby was dressed up for
"Hey kookie , you wanna be with chimchim ?" Jungkook nodded adorably than Mrs Parks Called the maid and asked her to take Jungkook to where Jimin was.

Jimin was in his room making sure he looks good enough for his Princess when he heard the knock "Young Master , Young Master Kookie is Here" and when he heard his Kookie's name he smiled his Big smile "Come in" Just like that Kookie was seen wearing a Beautiful dress

"My Dear kookie You look so Beautiful" he said and held Kookie's right hand close to his lips to give a sweet peck which caused Kookie to turn in to a red tomato, while blushing Kookie also complimented Jimin "You look so Handsome like a Prince"

The Parents were discussing about their business while the kiddos were in Jimin's room, they were watching "Jack Frost" when Kookie said something which made Jimin Jealous "He is so Handsome" (Don't ask me how a five years old knows such things) . "Ah Kookie I asked the maids to prepare your favorite let's go and eat together" said Jimin trying his best to look calm for his Kookie  "Ok" Kookie tried to Jump down from the Bed they were sitting on but Jimin stopped him "Wait, let me help you my Princess" than Jimin got down from his bed and grabbed Kookie's hand with his left hand and with his right he picked Kookie  up from the bed and put him down while Kookie giggled "Thank you , Chimchim" Kookie thanked him and kissed his prince cheek .

Jimin held Kookie's hand in his after getting of his room and they went towards the Garden where there was a Tent like thingy ( I don't know what it is called)

"Wow it looks so cool" Kookie said excitedly (I think I forgot to mention their Bodyguards are with them not too close just 6 feet away because Jimin wanted "Privacy")

Jimin signaled the maids to get them food which he especially asked them make for his "Love"

They were Eating and playing with each other giggling time to time Jimin giving kisses on his Princess cheeks .

BodyGuard 1 to other BodyGuard 2 : Omg they are so cute , look at Master Jimin giving smooches to Master Kookie !
BG 2 : *Full of love sigh* I know right they are so young yet so romantic I pray for their love to be everlasting.
BG1 "Amen"

As the love scenes was going on a little girl similar to love birds age came in there "Hey Jimin ! Hi Kookie" the little girl greeted

Jungkook greeted her back and did a little eye-roll which went unnoticed by the others "Hi Daisy" Jimin greeted her back cheerfully he thought of her as a good friend but didn't know his love hated her "You look Pretty" complimented Jimin "right Kookie" Jimin asked from Jungkook "yeah" He replied with a fake smile "Here eat this, it is so delicious" Jimin offered her a cookie "Thank you" she gave Jimin a peck on his cheek and Jimin didn't even mind 'That's it !' Kookie stood up angrily. "What happened Jungkook" asked Jimin 'Did he Just called me by my name in front of this frog? Why is he so lovely towards her' Kookie rolled his eyes at him  "WHY ARE YOU SO NICE TO THIS FROG ? She is trying to take you away from me!" Jungkook yelled "Be nice to her Kookie she is our friend!" Jimin threatened "No" Kookie grabbed the glass of Juice and threw the Juice at daisy's dress causing it to leave a stain , Jimin got angry he pushed Jungkook causing Kookie to fall down, his head harshly banged on the chair causing it to bleed.

Their Bodyguard's Got shocked as they never thought that Jimin will do something like this to Kookie as whatever happens Jimin never gets angry at Kookie but today it was a shocker. Jungkook's Bodyguard hurriedly came towards Jungkook and cleaned his wound (BG has an emergency kit as he knows he is Guarding a kid and kids get wounded literally every two minutes) Kookie was crying continuously not because of the wound but because Jimin was so mean to him Just because of Daisy . Jimin didn't even said "Sorry" to him he was too busy helping Daisy clean her dress that he didn't realized Kookie left with his Bodyguard , the BG was carrying him on his shoulders and Kookie was crying while hugging his neck

All the Parents were in the living room (Jungkook's parents, Jimin's Parents and Daisy's parents) Mr Park noticed Jungkook in the BG's arms crying and got confused "what happened to him why is our lil Kookie crying" Mr Park asked as Mrs Jeon noticed she stood up and took Kookie in her arms and tried to make her calm "what happened to my son Jackson?" Mrs Jeon Questioned while stroking Kookie's hair "Well , Ms Daisy and Master kookie had a lil fight but Master Jimin's went a bit physical which caused Masten Kookie an injury . Gladly, it was not so deep otherwise " the Guard sighed The Parks got angry and Daisy's parents felt guilty . "Otherwise what" Mr Park angrily asked "As you know I am a medical student I know these stuff very well " said the BG "Get to the point Jackson" Mrs Park asked "The injury was very close to the brain Younger Master Kookie could've either lost his memory or either could've *sighed* it could've been his last day a live"
Everyone Gasped hearing this

(The medical situation is not based on a factual study I am not a medical student so I do not actually know how injuries work)
"PARK JIMIN ! Bring that Boy right here, Immediately" Mr Park order when of the servants.

Jimin came came in the living room and saw Kookie sleeping on Mr Jeon's chest . The Jeons were about to leave but the Parks insisted them to stay for a bit because Jimin needs apologize. Jimin saw the Bandit on Kookie's forehead and rolled his eyes because he thought he was faking his injury. 'I love you Kookie but you are such a drama Queen . You are even faking your injury'

"Yes Dad" Said Jimin "what am I hearing ? Huh you fought with him and Verbally!" Questioned Mr Park "Dad, he threw Juice on Daisy's dress so I " "So you what ? You caused the little boy an injury who comes here ONLY because of You ? Instead of going physical you could've asked him why he was doing it" "But Dad-" "shut up! Do you know it's a Miracle that he is even alive" Mr Park yelled at Jimin ,he was sobbing at this point but as soon as he heard that he stopped "What do you mean Dad" Mr Park sighed and he looked at his mother who was enraged too "Go and apologize for what you've done Park ! Go and apologize to Kookie's Parents"

Kookie's Parents have forgiven because they knew Jimin meant no harm but Kookie didn't forgive him that easily.

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