Chapter 4

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~ Quick A/N- So sorry updates have been slow school has picked up. The updates will probably be more weirdly typed because I will not have my writing computer as of tomorrow so I will have to get used to the other one. Also holy crap 41 reads honestly I thought no one would find this sooo wow. Anyway the next few chapters will have videos attached because they are the songs I am mentioning anyway sorry this long.~

        It's the next day and my new piano comes in today. "Ma, what are you waiting for?" Techno asks from right beside me. "Oh I'm getting a piano today though eventually I'll get instruments like the guitar" "oh ok then why though?" "To entertain the customers. Do you know how to play?" "No not at all" "Wanna learn I know a song you might like! I heard it when I was around your age." "I guess". Techno swished the small robe that he had over his shoulders. I had made him that for a game and he liked it so he asked if I could make him another when he grows taller. Of course I agreed but I made him promise that he will take care of it. 

        ~Mini time skip~

       The piano came in later in the afternoon today techno learns how to play! "I'm here" "Hello! Come sit down with me!" He sat next to me on the piano. " ok he are the basics do re mi fa so la ti do" I put his fingers on the piano that makes that sound. He slowly started picking up on it and we end up practicing for hours. "Mom I may not be able to play it but can you play the song for me? please?" "sure!" I place my hands on the piano and start playing.

There was time...

I used look into my father's eyes

In a happy home I was king I had a golden throne

But those days are gone now the memory's on the wall

I hear sounds from the places where I was born

Upon the hill the across the blue lake that's where I had my heartbreak

I still remember how it all changed

My father said

Don't you worry, don't you worry child

See heavens got a plan for you

Don't you worry, don't you worry now


- I fished the rest of the song-

"Did you like it Techno? I know it may not be your style but I think it suits you." "It's pretty cool I-I guess" he looks away probably embarrassed that he liked it. "Well I can start teaching you how to play it tomorrow if you like?" "sounds great!" "OK time to go home now Phil probably wants to know where you are it's late." "Ok good night" "Oh and don't stay up I know you have been your sleep is important!" "eehhh not really" Before I could retort he was dashing off towards his house. I let out a laugh what a silly kid. I hope someday he actually remembers this and it becomes a happy memory.

~End of Chapter!
I know it's short but it becomes important later. (I do actually have plans) I know some won't like the song but I think Techno looking for comfort in it is a good idea. I hope ya'll see it the same way!\

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