Chapter 20 (Bakugou's P.O.V.)

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I look over at sho and put on the biggest smile I could manage now knowing the truth that Shoto just decided to tell me now instead of earlier. I'll admit I'd be lying if I wasn't a bit angry, but I wouldn't let it ruin our honeymoon.

"A- are y- you angry that- that I- I didn't tell you ear- earlier...?" Shoto said, not even noticing the biggest smile that I managed to put on. His head tilted. His eyes were filled with sorrow and a bit of worry. My heart ached seeing him this way, Shoto looked at me and then muttered something under his breath and walked upstairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked, looking at him confused.

"I'm taking a shower," He responded, his voice cold.

"Do you wan-" The door closed before I got to finish what I was about to say. I look down at myself frustrated. 'I messed up,' I thought to myself as I marched into the kitchen to hang up my coat. 'I'm so stupid! Why did I have to bring up kids and family?! We're both boys, of course we couldn't have offspring of our own and...' I stopped myself before I could finish that thought. 'Sho is a, hermaphrodite? Why didn't he tell me before? Why did he switch genders if he was gonna marry a boy anyway?' All of these confusing questions kept popping in my head about Shoto and why he decided to tell me his big secret now instead of when we were dating. The more I dwelled on why, the more it started to make me angry, until I remembered the hurt look in his 'her?' eyes. I looked over to the stairs taking in a deep breath before walking over to them and slowly making my way up. On the way, my heart was racing from anxiety. Not that I'm afraid of him 'her?', no, more like I'm afraid that I might say the wrong thing when trying to comfort him 'her?'.

When I finally made it to our bedroom I hesitated a bit before knocking on the door as quietly as I could. There was no response, until I noticed that the door was unlocked. I took in a deep breath before slowly walking in, closing the door behind me. The sound of the water from the bathroom was still on, so I decided to sit on our bed and wait for Shoto to come out. 'Should I give Shoto space? I probably messed up real bad this time,' I thought to myself as I looked at the floor angrily.

"Damnit," I said under my breath, cursing myself out. As a couple minutes went by, I finally heard the small click of the lock coming undone and Shoto opening the door with a towel wrapped around his waist. Once I saw him I gulped a bit at the sight, but I could tell that Shoto was still irritated. Instead of greeting me he ignored me and walked by, opening the old dresser so he could get dressed. I gritted my teeth, telling myself to not get angry.

"Look, I don't know what made you decide to keep your secret from me until now, nor do I know if I looked at you weird or said the wrong thing, but I'm sorry," I started the conversation, but there was still no response. I let out a low growl before I continued what I was saying, but in a more loud abruption.

"I'm sorry if you felt like you needed to hide from me, or if you didn't trust me until now, but either way I'm sorry. And I'm willing to apologize even if it's hard for me and/or it's something I didn't do. If you don't believe me that's fine, I just—" I stopped for a moment to recollect myself from yelling a bit and sounding angry.

"It's just, right now? I feel like I've been kept in the dark. I feel like over these past years we've been together, I've been lied to. So, please talk to me, tell me I'm wrong," I say, looking at the back of my husband. Even after I said I was sorry for no reason, and explained my feelings, he won't say anything. I clicked my tongue before walking up to the door and opening it.

"I don't know if this was fake or not, but know that I love you, I always have. It doesn't matter if you were a boy or a girl. I saw you for you, but now? Heh, I-I don't even know if that's enough to get it through your god damn thick skull! Have a good night, sleep good," I ended my speech by walking out and closing the door behind me. I didn't care about changing out of my nice suit, because all I cared about was Shoto and if he even cared for a monster like me. I mean, who would? I have anger issues and I'm really hard to get along with. Most even view me as a villain rather than a hero.

When I made it to the bottom of the stairs I felt hot needle-like tears threaten my eyes, but I choked them away as best as I could before turning all the lights off, locking the doors, and laying down on the couch. Once the rough pillow made contact with my head, I couldn't control my emotions anymore, before letting my tears fall, lulling me to sleep, until I was completely under my dream's spell. 

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