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Third Person's POV

"Let's go?" Min Jeong said offering her hand to Mina. Mina smiled and take it, interlacing their fingers together.

The two women entered the car and drove going to this fancy restaurant that Min Jeong eyeing for almost two weeks from now.

"Was this restaurant really that good? you're so excited to go there" Mina said as she chuckled seeing Min Jeong eyes beamed in happiness.

"Oh love, you don't have any idea how special that place is" Min Jeong said and giggle as she is now imagining herself eating at that place.

Mina laughed and just shake her head not believing Min Jeong's behavior. "So what's makes this place so special?" Mina asked curiously, like duh, Min Jeong is literally drooling right now.

"Well--" Min Jeong cleared her throat "-- that place servings the most delicious and mouth watering chicken dishes here in korea, so I need to discover it myself. Just the thoughts of those chicken in front of me already sending me in heaven" Min Jeong explain, Mina stiffen on her position. She can't utter a word.

This is the first time Min Jeong blurted out her addiction for chicken. Yes, Mina knows Jisoo likes to eat chicken way back on their college days, why is that?? remember her stalking Jisoo, everyday.

Mina is just staring at Min Jeong, her eyes is widening same time her heart is beating so fast.

'Her memories were back?' Mina's thoughts, but pulled back on her senses when Min Jeong hold her shoulder. Mina shrugged her head and smile at Min Jeong.

"Are you okay?" Min Jeong asked worriedly, Mina just nod her head and face the road.

They are now in silent, uncomfortable silent and it's chocking the both of them. Min Jeong knows something off with Mina, so Min Jeong stops the car and face her wife, holding Mina's hand caressing it slowly.

"Hey love, look at me" Min Jeong said, Mina then sighed in defeat slowly facing Min Jeong.

"Is everything okay? you don't want to eat there? if that's the case then, let's just picked another place, since it's still too early, we still have our time" Min Jeong said glancing on her wrist watch.

Mina just sighed and tightening her hold on Min Jeong's hand. Gaining the attention of her lover.

"No, it's okay. We can eat there, I'm just you know shocked, because it's the first time you said you want to eat chicken, after your accident four years ago" Mina said, ducking her head to avoid Min Jeong stares.

Min Jeong just sighed and lift Mina's head, "it's not  that big deal love, I'm just craving for chickens" Min Jeong replied, looking at Mina with double meaning with her words, but Min Jeong quickly smiled so Mina won't notice her sudden change of expression.

Mina smiled "I'm so sorry love, if I over reacted. I just remembered that it was your favorite food way back in our college days" Mina said, but widened her eyes when realization hits her, she just blurt it out, Jisoo's past, for sure Jisoo will throw her a lot of questions now.

Min Jeong creased her brow eyeing mina intensely "do we know each other when we're still in college?" Min Jeong said. Mina cursing through her brain but manage to build her smile.

"N- No, we didn't really know each other, it was just me who knows you, you were so popular way back then, I don't know really if you knew someone like me existed" Mina said sadness visible on her face, makes Min Jeong to softened, she doesn't have any idea that Mina was already loving her since college days.

"I- I'm sorry, I don't have any idea" Min Jeong said. Mina just shrugged and smiled again "hey, it's okay now, at least we ended up still in each other's arms" Mina said, makes Min Jeong to slightly smile, looking deeply in this woman's soul.

A PROMISE TO REMEMBER (BOOK TWO) °Chaesoo°Where stories live. Discover now