Classified Files

36 1 0

Date: 1/**/1*
To whom: Leader of the M.C.E.S Project
Concerns/Status Report: Update on Testing Zone #1129
    Survivors: 250
    Service for Survivors: Designated for termination via weapons available to operators
    Exceptional Survivors: Thomas Blaine, Alejandro Vargas, Matthew Buck, Acel Carrez, and T**s**a M**r
Orders: As said, terminate them all; exceptional survivors will not matter much longer.
Date: 3/**/*5
To whom: Leader of the M.C.E.S Project
Concerns/Status Report: With the survivors terminated, one still stands.
    Name of the survivor: T*t**y* *a**
    Status on his actions: Has killed three guards, one hundred armed operators, and three medics
Orders: Terminate **t*u** M*r* at once
Date: 4/18/**
Concerns/Status: Update on T****** ***r
    *****ya **r*'s Status: Deceased
Orders: N/A
Date: 6/23/14
Concerns/Status: Declared 'Deceased' survivor status
    Status: Ta*s*y* M*r* declared 'Alive'
Orders: Terminate in all ways possible
File discontinued
Destroy all files relating to Testing Zone #1129

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