Jungkook's healing power

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"Take a deep breath.. now breath out.. again inhale.. exhale.. inhale.. exhale. Calm your mind and focus on your inner power. You can do it." Jimin instructed jungsoon aka jungkook to calm his mind and concentrate on his inner power.

After helping the empress to escape, the three of them headed straight to the royal hospital to find emperor yoongi. The royal physicians still had no idea of ​​the emperor's condition as they failed to find any symptom other than the black veins of the emperor. They let jimin in because he was a close friend of emperor taehyung. Jimin went to the emperor's room with the empress disguised as a maid, but jungkook had no idea what they were going to do. Although he excelled in medicine, he didn't know what to do because the emperor's condition was special.

"What should I do, jimin oraboni?" Jimin looked at their empress and took a deep breath.

"Jungkook..." Jimin said as jungkook's eyes widened in fear. (A/N, yeah he knows. So from now on it will be jungkook, not jungsoon.)

"There is no need to be afraid. I know the truth about you. I'll tell you the details later. For now, you are not an ordinary person. You can heal the emperor with your magic. Your power is still hidden. Until you mate with taehyung, your magic will not be fully activated, but you have that ability in you.. your magic power is pure, so it has the power to fight against dark magic. You said you drank the same tea with emperor yoongi but nothing happened to you.. right? It's because dark magic only harms the person they target. Royal physician said that the emperor has been poisoned, because he had no idea about dark magic. But the truth is that someone had cast a dark spell on the emperor, and in order to complete it they had to give emperor yoongi a magic pill." Jimin took deep breath before continuing. "You can destroy dark magic by using your pure magic. I'm sure you can do it. Emperor yoongi is like a father to you, isn't he? So try hard.. you can do it for him. Just concentrate on your power."  Just like that Jimin managed to give jungkook the courage he needed.

He slowly closed his eyes, breathing in and out a few times to calm himself down and concentrated on his inner power. Placing his right hand on emperor yoongi's forehead, jungkook tried his best to awaken his inner power. Suddenly a blue light began to ooze out from the center of jungkook's forehead, and through the fingertips of his right hand, a beam of light entered emperor yoongi's forehead. Soon, emperor yoongi's blackened veins began to returned to their normal colour.

At that moment the eyes of the royal doctor who just came into the room widened and he froze on the spot.

About half an hour later, jungkook felt dizzy as sweat dripped from his forehead. Sensing his discomfort, jimin immediately reached for jungkook so he was able to catch jungkook in his arms before he fell to the ground. Easily picking up the little empress, Jimin placed him on a nearby bed.

"Hurry up and see what happened to her." Jimin ordered in panic and the royal physician quickly approached jungkook. Hearing his panicked voice, hoseok and tzuyu who were standing outside the room barged in.

"What happened to hi-her?" Tzuyu asked in a frightened voice.

"I don't know. She was healing the emperor but suddenly fell unconscious." Jimin answered nervously.

"You said she would not be in danger!" Hoseok's voice was full of anger and worry.

"I'm very sorry." Before hoseok could answer, the royal physician turned to them.

"Nothing to worry about.. she lost conscious due to extreme fatigue. She'll wake up soon. Give her this drink after she wakes up." Jimin, hoseok and tzuyu let out a sigh of relief as the royal physician explained.

The royal physician then examined emperor yoongi and his eyes widened in surprise.

"I can't believe this is real!" He blurted out.

"Why, what happened?" Hoseok asked in a frightened tone. Jimin was calm because he had a rough idea of ​​what the royal physician was going to say.

"The emperor's condition is improving and the poison has been completely removed from the emperor's blood." Everyone smiled reassuringly as the royal physician stated.

"Who is she? How did she do it?" The royal physician asked looking at the sleeping jungkook.

"She is my wife, empress jungsoon." A deep and authoritative voice broke the silence in the room, taking everyone's attention to him.

"Your majesty." The emperor was welcomed by all present.

"How did you find out about this?" Jimin asked with a nervous smile.

"No one in this palace can do anything behind my back." Taehyung said with a smirk and bowed to the still unconscious emperor yoongi. "Nice to hear that you are healing, father."

Then he walked over to jungkook and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you, my little empress."

"No one is allowed to tell anyone about this until I give permission, understood? Only the five of us know about this for the time being." Taehyung ordered emphatically, looking at everyone.

"I need to talk to the three of you alone." After saying that, Taehyung left the room and entered another room. The other three followed him with their pounding hearts.

"I'm not happy about what you guys did. It's a violation of the law. Also, if anyone saw jungsoon escaping, this issue would have dragged on even longer.

"Forgive us your majesty, b-but do you doubt the empress?" Hoseok asked, a little hesitant.

"I trust her.. She will not do such a thing. That will be proven by my father's recovery. And jimin, how do you know about jungsoon's power?"

"It's a long story. In short the monk of the sacred mountain told me about the empress." Jimin replied.

"Ah, okay..  now we must find the culprit. Otherwise the palace is unsafe."

"Yes, I think we should try to find out about the maid that gave the tea tray to our empress. Once Empress Jangsoon wakes up we can find out the maid's features." Tzuyu suggested.

"You're right. I told general namjoon to find the maid according to jungsoon's description, but he still haven't found her." Taehyung said, his voice laced with despair.

"She can't leave the palace because the security at the imperial palace has been tightened. So she might still be inside the palace." When hoseok said, everyone agreed.

"How about we set a trap? I'm sure she's trying to escape."

"What are you trying to say?" Taehyung's gaze also turned to jimin.

"We can lower the security at the north gate tonight. But hoseok and general namjoon will be secretly guarding. Most likely she will try to get out of the north gate tonight. Everyone knows very well that the north gate is less guarded than the other gates." Jimin explained.

"Yeah, that's right. I will inform general namjoon." Taehyung agreed.

"Also my suspicion is that jennie and her father are involved in this." Jimin stared straight into taehyung's eyes.

"How can you say that for sure?"

"Taehyung you know I've associated with dark magic. There are two people in this palace who work with dark magic. I can feel their power when they use dark magic. So I know it's jennie and her father." Jimin replied.

Hoseok and tzuyu looked at jimin in surprise. They had learned about dark magic but had never met anyone who could control dark magic because its use was forbidden.

"Then I should definitely check around their palaces. Hoseok you check around their places with my shadow guards. See if you can find any evidence." Taehyung ordered. His eyes gleamed with anger.

"Yes, your majesty." Hoseok bid farewell to taehyung and left for the task entrusted to him.

"Tzuyu, you take good care of the empress and stay here. I will tighten the security around the royal hospital." Taehyung said before leaving with jimin.


So how was it? Any suggestions? Give me your ideas and i'll consider them. Because it would be more interesting that way.


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