You're going to marry soon.💍💎

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When they arrived, the whole palace was in chaos as everyone was running here and there, looking for them.

The royal guards were relived, seeing the three of them approaching the palace.

"Where did you go with them? Everyone was looking for you guys." The chief royal gaurd glared at his son.

"Oraboni did nothing. I just wanted to see what the chief maid of the royal kitchen said." As the little princess pouted, the guard smiled, forgetting everything.

"All right, let's go. Father was looking for you." The guard said lovingly as the princess ran and hung on to his arms.

The reason why everyone loves the princess is because of her caring and lovely behavior. Even though her age was normal for girls to marry, she was still a baby to everyone because of this cute behavior of the princess.

"Father.." The princess saw the king and ran into his arms. The king lifted the princess, forgetting all worries.

"Where did you go? Father and mother were scared."

"I wanted to see the waterfall that our chief maid of the royal kitchen said. Oraboni and tzuyu said they needed your permission. But I knew father won't allow me to leave the palace, so I insisted on them. Sorry father. I will not do that again." The princess said wrapping her arms around king's neck.

"Now you're being pretty naughty." The queen said in a reprimanding tone, who rushed in there to see her baby.

"My dear mother, don't be angry. Otherwise you will grow old like the Chief eunch." When the princess said that, everyone tried to hide their laughs.

"You little brat! Father can't carry you now. You are heavy... get down."

"Mother is jealous. Isn't it father? Father can still pick me up. I'm not that heavy." The princess said and got down laughing.

"Well well. I called the three of you to let you know something important." The king said in a serious tone.

"What is that, Father?"

"My princess.., it's about your marriage."

"I have to get married? Why should I get married? Can't I stay forever with you two? Did you two think of sending me away because I was irritating you guys? Please, father, I promise I will not do naughty things again. Please don't send me." The princess's eyes filled with tears.

"No, baby. That's not the case. Everyone should get married when they are old enough. Like your mother and father." The queen said, ruffling the princess's hair.

"The other thing is, this is our emperor's order. Your and the crown prince's wedding will take place in seven days."

As the king spoke, hoseok and tzuyu's eyes widened.

"But your majesty... the p..princess.. the princess.." Tsuyu tried to say, with widen eyes.

"What is it tzuyu?" The king asked giving her a assuring smile.

"Forgive me, your highness. Oraboni saved the princess today when she was almost drowning." Seeing the panicked expressions of the royal couple, Tsuyu quickly said, "Don't worry, she's completely fine now."

"And I helped the princess to put on new clothes because she was still weak and shivering with cold." Tzuyu took a deep breath.

"She said I'm not a girl!! She said I have a body of a boy." Princess said, interrupting tzuyu because she wanted to know what tzuyu had meant.

"Then you two discovered it. I was ready to tell it to the three of you." The King sighed and resumed.

"Only you and your parents, the royal physician, queen's maid, queen and I know about this. So you two must keep this as a secret. Before the princess was born, there was a prophecy. It said that a blessed child would be born during that time. And if it's a prince, he will be so powerful and if a princess is born she will bring prosperity to the empire and no one can beat her in beauty and whoever marries her will be the most powerful king. So Jungsoon, you were the only royal child born to the whole empire at that time, and the emperor came to our kingdom after hearing about it. Because a powerful prince's birth is a threat to the crown prince. So we showed tzuyu to the emperor as the newborn princess of jolbon kingdom. From then on, prince jeon jungkook grew up as princess jeon jungsoon for your protection. That's why you were not allowed to leave the palace were guarded at all times." The king finished.

"Then our princess is really a boy??" Hoseok asked in amused tone.

"Yes, and the his slim petit body and divine beauty was a bless to us."

"But your majesty., they will know this after her marriage. The princess will be in danger."

"That's what I'm worried about too.. but there is nothing we can do about this matter. And the monk of the sacred mountain was the first to tell us that the queen would give birth to a boy, while even the royal physicians said that she would give birth to a princess. And he said that the crown prince was no ordinary man. Therefore, the blessed prince was sent to our world for him. So this marriage between our prince and the crown prince is imperative for the good of the whole empire. I am sure no danger will happen. The monk said that the crown prince will never harm our prince. Because they are soulmates."

"But this is an abnormal marriage. Our prince is a boy.. crown prince is also a boy." Tzuyu said, confused.

The prince next to the king, looked at her in disbelief. He still couldn't believe he was a prince.

"I know.. this a bit complicated.. but it is their destiny. Our prince will be protected, he is the blessed prince.. and if his life is in danger, I will sacrifice my life to save him."

"Your majesty, can't we send another girl to replace the prince?" The queen, who had been silent so far, asked.

"No, according to the monk of the sacred mountain, they are soulmates.. so the crown prince can recognize him. If we replace someone, he will surely know. And many people have seen our prince jungkook, and even his portraits are popular."

"Allow me to go to the kingdom with the prince,my king. Forgive me, father.. But the protection of the prince is my responsibility." Hoseok knelt down before King.

"Let me go too, your majesty. I can't live without the princess and oraboni." Tzuyu also asked permission to follow them.

"I summoned you two here to ask the same thing. Thank you both for being so brave to take such a risk for the prince. If there is any danger to the prince's life, send me a message through a pigeon and you three somehow escape from the imperial palace. I will prepare a special team of royal soldiers to secretly watch over you." The king said in a reassuring tone.

"Then we must be ready to welcome the crown prince now. They will come to escort the bride." The king said so and got up to leave.

"Jungsoon..go with your mother. She will give you the advice you need." The king told the silent prince.

The prince followed his mother to her palace, dragging his numb body.


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