Chapter 15

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Tord's P.O.V

It was nearing time to close the shop. The sky outside painted a variety of pinks, oranges, purples and blues. All colors swirling together to make a beautiful sunset.

I looked through a glass panel window that showed an overview of my shop from my office. The few that hadn't left yet were either cleaning up or finish their job. A sigh passed my lips as my eyes left the window and dropped to my paperwork for the day. Sorting out assignments for that next few day for the calls we received today and the appointments to come. I should really get a secretary.

Just as I was going to get back to work, the phone rang. Struggling and failing to keep a groan in, I answered the phone, "Larkson's automotive and body repair. How can I help you?" A panicked woman spoke quickly over the phone, "Ma'am... Please calm down." I paused to make sure she wasn't still rambling, "Now what happened?"

I leaned back in my chair and kicked my legs up on the table while she explained herself, "Don't worry ma'am we'll do what we can." I heard a knock on the door and I glanced over to the window to see some workers at the window. I motioned thent to come inside, "We can send a tow truck. Would you like to get a rental or do you have another vehicle you're able to use?"

The four at the door quietly filed into the room as I spoke with the customer. Dropping my feet from the table I picked up a pen, "Not a problem at all ma'am..." I scribbled some things on a stray piece of paper, "Would you be using the car for anything specific?"

"Okay ma'am, well we'll see what we have here and I'll send a tow truck and a rental. May I please get your location?" I grabbed a sticky note and quickly wrote what she said. I shook the sticky note in front of the four workers in front of me until one of them took it. I held up two fingers and pointed at the phone then towards the door. Understanding my mishap sign language two scurried out the door to get a rental and a tow. "Okay... And can I get your name and a number that we can easily reach you at?" I wrote that on a separate sticky note.

"Alright ma'am that's all. I'll call again tomorrow to give you an estimated time that your repairs would take. You have a good night."

I let out a sigh of relief once I hung up and looked at the two workers still lingering at my desk, "What do you want?" I asked a little more sternly than I was intending too.

"Aye calm down there big boss man. Don't want to short circuit now do you?" A shorter stockier man hummed playfully.

Taller more built woman next to him smacked him upside the head, "God damnit Jason, can't you be respectful for one fucking second?"

"Gah- Ow!" Jason cried out at the impact, "What the fuck, Aaron?! Why can't you be nice to me for once in your life?"

I shut my eyes as the two bickered back and forth. Their voices continued to rise until I couldn't stand it any more, "Aaron! Jason! Shut the hell up!

The two stiffed at my raised voice. Aaron being ex military, she stood tall and still. Hands latched behind her back and head raised high, "Sorry sir!" She apologized.

Jason had taken a step back as he always did when I raised my voice, "Sorry sir..."

My hand met my face in a facepalm when I heard the built woman, "Jason, Stop with your remarks. Don't talk if you're just going to be stupid. Aaron, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that here. I'm your boss. Not your commander. You don't have to be so serious."

Arron's cheeks went red as her poster fell out of attention, "Sorry sir... It's a force of habit. I only served four years but they really embed that shit into your head... You also yell like a commander. It's only natural of me to stand at attention."

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