Chapter 10: ASRN vs ELKK Part I

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It was now morning and the students were getting ready to have breakfast before the rest of the practice fights. Away from everyone, away from the business of the school, Kyuu stood up on a balcony, overlooking the school courtyard. Her outfit was different than usual, instead she was just donning a lacy white dress. Tinuviel just got changed into his usual black outfit, but he didn't have face paint on, nor did he have his gloves on. His hair was messy and not tied up for once, he looked absolutely exhausted from not sleeping that night "Has anyone seen Kyuu?" he yawned, "She's still on her in school suspension, isn't she?" Shizue asked, "I know, she will be for a little longer. I just need to talk to her about something.." Tinuviel yawned again, "Didn't she like to be on the balcony in her free time last year?" Hikari asked, "Nevermimd that for a second! Tin, you look exhausted! What happened?!" Shizue was worried about Tinuviel's wellbeing
"I stayed up all night training. Professor Ozpin let me have the keys to the gym and I returned them like 10 mins ago. My body is killing me and I need sleep but it's going to have to wait." Tinuviel slouched over, his arms were dangling; almost lifeless. "If she's anywhere, she's on the upstairs balcony, the one near Ozpin's office" Hikari said, "Thanks Hikari, I'll see you guys when you fight later" Tinuviel waved and left to see Kyuu.

Kyuu was looking out over the courtyard. Her hair was out of her usual pigtails and her ribbon is wrapped around her wrist. She doesn't acknowledge Tin, just focuses on her breathing
"Kyuu.." Tinuviel walked up to her but didn't touch her, Kyuu turned to look at Tin, a bewildered expression on her face "It's almost breakfast. What are you doing here? "I can say the same for you." Tinuviel said, "I'm still 'suspended'. I don't eat breakfast at the same time as everyone else." Kyuu smiled slightly "I watched your battle against BKRA. You did well" "I didn't do well at all. I was eliminated, that's not well at all. I wish you were there.." Tinuviel blushed a little and looked away, "I would've lov- uh- I- I really wanted to fight with you, but I've wronged... so... I had to pay the price" Kyuu sighed, "It's okay. At least you can fight with me at the Vytal Festival.. Anyway, I decided I'm gonna get breakfast when you do.. If you don't mind..." Tinuviel said, "Of course I don't mind... but I'm not sure if Professor Ozpin would even let you..." Kyuu sighed again, "I think he will.. He let me have the keys to the gym last night so I could train all night" Tinuviel said, Kyuu sighed and looked up at Tin "Thanks... for caring about me, I mean" Tinuviel's face was bright red "It's... It's okay... I've never really cared for anyone since my family... It's been tricky..." Kyuu smiled at Tin, his face was obviously flushed "It's nice to have someone who cares about me. Someone who doesn't call me a freak" "I'm more of a freak compared to you," Tinvuiel chuckled.

"Anyway I have something else I want to talk to you about..." his face was still red, "Hm?" Kyuu said in confusion and brushed a lock of hair out of her face, "It's not easy for me to say... But I... I really like you... A lot..." Tinuviel looked at the ground. Kyuu immediately let out an extremely flustered laugh "I figured! No sane person would tolerate me for this unless there were romantic feelings involved!" Tinuviel didn't say anything and just stood there confused at her reaction. Kyuu turned fully to face Tinuviel and unwrapped her hair ribbon from her wrist and wrapped it around his wrist "I like you too, you dummy..." Tinuviel looked at her, his face hadn't changed from the shade of red it was earlier "But... Why?" "I don't know why I like you, I just do" Kyuu smiled, "Alright then... I'm glad.." he smiled back.

"What are you two doing out here?" A teacher called out to the pair in the balcony, Kyuu turned around to face the teacher "O-oh um...." "We were just getting some fresh air, we were just about to go to Professor Ozpin's office" Tinuviel spoke up, "Yeah" Kyuu nodded. "Of course, wait, Mr Harding, why aren't you having breakfast?" The teacher asked, "I'm eating with Kyuu, I'm currently in strict training to improve my skills for the Vytal Festival. You can ask Professor Ozpin about it if you don't believe me" Tinuviel said, "You're in training? For an event that's still half a year away?" The teacher was slightly confused, "Yes ma'am. I didn't do well in the practice fights and I need to improve myself as much as possible as punishment for failing." Tinuviel sighed, "Ah yes, BKRA. They're a third year team, you shouldn't beat yourself up about that" The teacher said to Tinuviel, "I have to though. I'm bringing shame to my family name. I want to be as good as my father or even better than he was." Tinuviel explained, "Well, It's not good to beat yourself up about one small loss, it's not good for your mental wellbeing" The teacher said to Tinuviel; She was getting worried about Tinuviel, "If I don't train myself to get better it'll be worse for my mental health ma'am." Tinuviel kept defending himself. "Well, Ozpin's probably waiting for you two right now" The teacher said holding the door open, "Yes ma'am. We'll be on our way now, thank you" Tinuviel nodded as he and Kyuu left, "Now, I'd better find Akira before his battle..." The teacher walked off. "I wonder what she wants with Akira?" Tinuviel thought as the door closed behind him. "So do I..."Kyuu agreed, "We should get going. We don't wanna miss the fights!" Tinuviel smiled. "I wonder what Nate's semblance is? We haven't seen her fight either... What even is her weapon?" Tinuviel kept asking questions about what would happen in the fight.

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