Chapter 25: Atlas Issues

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New characters are introduced in this chapter, head to the Character profiles to learn about them.

The students found their temporary barracks and headed inside and started to unpack, Kento sighed, "I wish we were still at Beacon..." "Me too... I miss the familiar atmosphere..." Shizue said, Meouch knocked on the door, "Shi? You in here?" "Hm? Oh hey Meech! What's up?" Shizue asked, "I got you something... Seeing as the heating system won't be back on until later tomorrow... It's gonna be freezing in here so I got you this..." Meouch handed her a blue and black knitted blanket. "Aw Meech... you... you didn't have to!" Shizue blushed very hard. "That's actually really nice" Cobalt said, "Well these blankets aren't the warmest, at least if you have this you'll be warmer" Meouch said, "I'm freezing cold, even my suit as well as this overcoat isn't warm enough for all this" Akira said.

"Hey guys, are you settling in okay? I know it's only been 30 minutes but this day has been a whirlwind for you all I'm guessing" a teacher from Mistral walked down the hallway and asked Teams ASRN, SCHS and Meouch. "Other than it being absolutely freezing.. I think we are all settled in" Meouch said, "That's nice, I'm D'Arcy Aquaa, I'm a teacher from Haven and I'm here to help the Mistal students settle in, but I can see you guys are having some trouble so I came down here to see if I can assist." she smiled. "It's just really cold in here... Probably in all the rooms actually" Tinuviel said, "Actually, Ironwood's office is the one place where it's warm, because he has his own personal fireplace" D'Arcy frowned. 

"Of course.. How rude of him..." Tinuviel said, "What do you expect? This is the guy who stole hosting rights for the Vytal Festival, supposedly caused the Grimm attack on Beacon, and is just an overall asshole" Akira said. Selkie walked past and then popped her head in, "Yup. Has to have everything his way... Narcissistic asshole..."

Accord was walking with Selkie, "Unfortunately, that's just the way he is. I suppose it can't be helped" she said, "Yeah, it's pretty bad..." D'Arcy stuck her hand out to Selkie, "I'm D'Arcy, you're from Shade right? What's your name?" she asked. "Yes I am, Selkie Diraison, or as all of Remnant knows me, The Black Swordswomen. And this is Professor Accord" she smiled, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance" D'Arcy smiled. "And same to you" Selkie said, Accord nodded in acknowledgement. Ironwood made an announcement over the loudspeakers, "All students please make your way to the cafeteria for dinner." 

"I'm staving. If Ironwood rations our food intake I'm gonna... No... I can't say that... It wouldn't be right for me to say something so horrible, it's not in my character bio to be violent" Tinuviel said forth wall-breakingly. "Well there's nothing that say I can't in mine! If he DOES ration our food, I'll. I'LL" Hikari was cut off, "Hikari! He's our teacher! You can't threaten to hurt him!" Shizue objected, "No, he's ATLAS' teacher!" Hikari yelled, "But Nate did! Why can't we threaten him too?" Tinuviel asked, "Cause Nate is aggressive and hates his guts... Also she's scary and no one tells her what to do... Besides, Ironwood will get what's coming for him..." Meouch said, "We're going to find out now, we have to go" Cobalt frowned. 

The students headed into the cafeteria. There were 4 lines with a coloured banner above 4 food stations; Pink for Mistral, Yellow for Vacuo, Blue for Atlas and Green for Vale. The Atlas line was perfectly straight while the three other lines were all over the place. Each person in line was given a set tray already full of food and one drink of choice. Each table also had a table runner of Pink, Yellow, Blue and Green. Cross contaminating was not allowed. Hikari looked at the setup and fell to his knees, "This... this is torture!!" "I'm gonna resort to cannibalism...." Tinuviel's stomach growled loudly. "I can create clones for you to munch on, Tin" Kyuu smirked.

"That would be weird..." Tinuviel looked mildly scared, "Is there something you wanna tell us there Kyuu...?" Nate asked, "What?" Kyuu asked, Kento's eyes went wide, "It's an infinite and reliable source of food!" Kyuu smiled, "Sure..." Nate smirked and laughed,  "Whelp, looks like we can't sit with you guys" Amarillo frowned, "We'll see you around anyway I'm sure.." Nate said, "Well I guess we'll see you all later" Bouddicca frowned, "Come on team, we gotta sit at a pink table, Vacuo's in yellow and Vale's in green" Amarillo said, "Ooh! We are on the pink tables!!" Zepplin, a member of Team SZAC from Haven ran past everyone and left her sisters behind, "Oh, Team SZAC, I didn't know they were here, I didn't see them at all in Beacon" Amarillo said out loud.

"Da. We are here. We tried to avoid everyone because Corey doesn't like new environments. Like a little baby he.... Sorry, I mean she is..." Sonya, one member of Team SZAC said, "I... Thank you for correcting yourself..." Corey, another member of SZAC, said quietly, "I apologise. I'm not used to it yet" Sonya frowned, "We tried to make Corey feel more comfortable before we all headed out... But now we are in another new environment in the same day... So don't expect to see much of us until she is comfortable" Anastasya, the third member of SZAC, smiled.

"Hurry up and sit down if you have your food tray. We can't have students clogging the walkways." Ironwood said brutely, "Kento... we have to separate..." Shizue was upset, "It's okay! We... we'll be back together after dinner!" Kento smiled, "What is this food? There's nothing that can be easily identifiable on this tray" Akira looked slightly disgusted, "It tastes like nothing! How do Atlas kids deal with this crap?" Charcoal asked. "It's disgusting isn't it? I hate it here..." Nate said, "Bad food, separating us by school and restricting movement around the school. I don't think there's anyone who's crueller than Ironwood" Akira frowned, "This is normal... This is how it is all year round" Nate said. "I think Tin might cry at the lack of food" Akira said, "He is crying" Nate said.

Akira looked over to see Tinuviel sobbing while he slowly ate his food. "Tin... Have mine too. I know you need more food than the rest of us" Nate said, "We'll get in trouble Nate..." Tinuviel sobbed more, "You really think I give a fuck? Ironwood is scared of me, he won't say shit. If he does... Well... He'll need more robot limbs..." Nate handed over her food to Tinuviel, "Th... Thank you Nate..." Tinuviel smiled but was still crying. "Can you stop doing that with your face?" Nate asked, "You mean... Stop crying?" Tinuviel said, "Yeah that. Stop it" Nate said, "I can't help it... I thought I was gonna starve to death..." Tinuviel cried, "This isn't fair... this was Ironwood's plan all along, wasn't it...?" Hikari asked, "Sounds about right. He is manipulative..." Nate said. "If the bed isn't comfy or accommodating for my wings, I'll bloody cry, man. I will." Hikari said. 

A small box seeming appeared out of nowhere beside Tinuviel. He looked at it while eating, "What's that?" Akira asked Tinuviel, he shrugged, "I don't know.. Just kinda appeared here ya know?" Tinuviel said with a mouthful of food, "Why don't you open it?" Akira asked, "You don't open things with no name on them... What if it's a bomb or something??" Tinuviel asked, "Why the fuck would someone place a bomb next to a student? You'd think they'd hide it better, don't you?" Akira explained.

"I don't know! I'll open it, if I get poisoned or it's a bomb I'ma eat your food too Akira" Tinuviel said, "Whatever, it's a tasteless beige brick anyway" Akira said, "I know, it has no flavor but I need the proteins in order to keep this physique" Tinuviel said, Tinuviel opened the box, inside was food, real food as well as a note; "I snagged some of the food from the staff offices, I know how much you need to fight well. Don't tell anyone other than your teammates, if others find out, they'll want some too and I'll be done in. Good luck. Sakura"

"It's from your mum Akira..." Tinuviel said, "Really? What is it?" "Extra food..." Tinuviel said, "Huh, that's really nice, no wonder it's from mum" Akira heard footsteps, "Shit, Ironwood's coming, hide the box!" Tinuviel hid the box under his shirt and sat closer to the table and continued eating, "What's going on here?" Ironwood asked, "Eating this pathetic excuse of food" Tinuviel grumbled, "KYAA!" Hikari screamed due to the shock of Ironwood appearing. "What the fuck do you want?" Nate crossed her arms, "Just making sure everyone's settling in" Ironwood said then immediately walked off. "No thanks to you James!" Nate growled loudly. "Did you just call him by his first name!?" Tinuviel was shocked. "That's... kinda disrespectful. Don't you think?" Hikari asked, "Think about who we're talking about, and say that again." Akira scoffed. "Well... I..." Hikari stammered, "Honestly, I'd do the same thing" Ayashii said while walking past, "Whether we like it or not, we have to put up with him now..." Shizue sighed.

"Alright students, dinner's over, place your trays in the correct coloured containers and head to your barracks to sleep." Ironwood said loudly. "Wait, but I wasn't done yet" Hikari frowned, "Don't worry, I'll share mine with you in the dorms" Tinuviel whispered to Hikari, "I'm not doing as he says. Fuck him. I'm going to wonder around" Nate grinned. "Wait, but you'll get in trouble!!" Hikari said worryingly, "She can handle being in a bit of trouble" Shizue said, "You know Nate... You doing this proves him right... It means he still has you where he wants you... Angry all the time to benefit him and not you..." Tinuviel sighed, Nate just stood there, "I... I never thought about it that way..." Ironwood appeared in front of the group, "Hurry up you 4, everyone else is already gone." Nate didn't say a word, she picked up Hikari, Shizue and somehow managed to grab a hold of Tinuviel, and walked away.

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