ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17 - ɴᴏsᴛᴀʟɢɪᴄ ᴇᴜᴘʜᴏʀɪᴀ *.✧

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"AW, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO ASK HIM OUT?" Valt whined, laying down on the the cafeteria table, sprawling out his arms in front of him as he rests his chin on the uncomfortable, hard surface of the table. "Why aren't you going to?"

"I am...It's just...I want to wait until the tournament's over." I smile, patting the blue boy's head. "Wouldn't want to stress him out even more with the finals coming. And I know that you're gonna go up against him today in just a an hour, Valt. It wouldn't be fun if your opponent isn't at their top condition, I'd like to say that it won't be very diverting for me."

"Aw!" Cuza grinned jocularly, setting his chin down in his palm at a slight angle. You're so nice to everyone, Y/N."

"Yeah, I know, I know, I'm so humble." I reply, waving it off cheekily. They both shot me a look. "Hey, I'm only playing with you!"


       "Never mind that," I shake my head, tips of my fingers briefly touched my forehead for a moment before I returned to my usual posture, goosebumps forming on my arms as I laid them on the table. "You've come up with a strategy to win against Free?"

       "Yep!" Valt replied, throwing a victory punch into the air. "It's a bit shaky, but I am 100% confident that it'll work out!"

       "Alrighty! You have my full faith!" I laugh, withdrawing my shivering arms. "But imma go get a long-sleeve, I'm fr-EE-zing!"

"Okie-dokey! Well be waiting outside on the bus for you then!"

       "Okay...hm..." I hummed to myself, folding down the collar of my striped clothing. "Gosh...did I always look this good?"

       I wore a loose, long-sleeved, pink pastel striped off shoulder, the color splitting off into a blue midway. I had that tucked into my white, denim shorts white two black 'X' laces on each side. Underneath, I had a sleeveless black top with an golden zipper in the middle.

       'O. M. G! I feel so confident!'

       'Yass! You go girl!'

       'Oh thank you, thank you, I appreciate the cheers, Subconscious Y/N, you can raise my self-esteem like no one.'

       I twirled to the inside in front of the full body mirror, taking in my full appearance with a positive attitude while tweaking some parts.

       "Wowie! I did always look this amaz—"

       "Y/N?" A familiar voice outside of my door interrupted me, adding in a few knocks. "Kris told me to come get you."

       'Oh starlight! I forgot that—how DID I forget that a WHOLE BUS was waiting for me outside!? Oh my fudging gosh!' I exclaim in my mind, quickly throwing on a random pair of shoes—which happened to be black ankle boots. 'If it wasn't for Kris—'

       "JUST HURRY UP JEEZ!" I screech, hopping around on one foot as I tried to get my other boot on—gravity, WORK. WITH. ME!

       "Everything oka—"

       "Yep! Yep! Everything's fine!" I holler back, finally getting my ankle in there. My hand dove to get the small shoulder bag—you know, the ones that you can't fit anything inside but they look so cute?—that I was recently gifted to from my parents. "Um—ignore what I shouted earlier! Please tell Krissy for me that I'll be right there like a bat out of hell!"


       Footsteps were heard, repeating approximately every second until the sound got fainter and fainter with each step.

       'Ah well, at least you'll look good.'

       'Subconscious Y/N! We're going to be late for cheering on Valt!'

       'Aye, if fans spot you, they'll want a picture. You're a bit late but at least your outfit is on point.'

       'I know—but that's not the issue here!'

       'Oh yeaaah, we'll be cheering for Free, won't we?'

       'N-No...Valt all the way!'


       I glance at the wall clock.

       'Oh shoot I need to go!' I shriek in my mind, unlocking and locking the door in a matter of nanoseconds before speeding down the halls in ankle boot heels with a tiny shoulder bag flipping around—oh my gosh my ha—'IS MY HAIR OKAY?!'

       'Look what you made me do, Subconscious Y/N!'

       'OH! Look what you made me do—look what you—'

       'NOW'S NOT THE TIME—'

       My eyes widened as I came to a abrupt halt, tip-toes barely managing to hold on as my swift speed backfired on me.


       As a human instinct, I hurried to grasp whatever object was in my reach as I came crashing down. When I didn't feel anything near, I knew my gorgeous face was a goner. So, I turned over to my back mid-fall—while holding the back of my wrist up to my forehead as the over hand was gently placed over my heart—, and reluctantly accepted death, the ultimate fate.

       I collided.




       "...what are you doing?"

       My eyes shot open at the confused voice.

       "F-Free!" I shouted, arms and hands that were so beautifully in the air immediately shot down to my sides like magnets. I scrambled out of the hold he had on me with his lovely arms—"Oh my gosh, are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?!"

       "Yeah," he brushed off his top. "I'm fine."

       "I. Am. SO. Sorry!" I apologize frantically, bowing continuous, going so far as to go all the way down to a 90 degree angle.

       "Looks like this is the second time you've fallen for me." I peeked from the corner of my eye, he wore a warm smile.

       My whole face,




       'Oh look what you just made me do—Ah, oh look what you just made me DO!'



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