The movies

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You follow Kenma and Kurro into the theater carrying your blanket, which your vodka is still wrapped up inside, and Kenma pays for the tickets. You guys are still a bit early so you wait in the lobby.

The lobby is carpeted in red, it has concession stands and arcade games. Kenma and Kurro get up to go get drinks and popcorn, and Kenma turns to look at you
"Do you want anything?"
"Uh- yeah get me some skittles maybe?"
"Sure whatever"
"Thanks hun, Love ya!"
"yeah I love me too"
You catch yourself staring at Kenma getting the food. You remember he now has a girlfriend, and you decide should at least try to be respectful, you check the time and step outside for a smoke break. This is going to be a long day.

You lean against the concrete wall and light your cigarette, you only have a few left and need to go get a new pack. You run into Suna outside and wave at him to come over. "Hey man how have you been? And where the fuck did you go? I haven't seen you in weeks!" Suna is a fun guy to party with, he's chill, fun as shit to smoke with.
"Yo y/n! yeah my dad found my stash and grounded me for a few weeks."
"Tough shit man, want a smoke?"
"Fuck yeah! Thanks y/n!"
"Ofc! Always happy to lend you a smoke"
You and Suna sat in silence for a bit while you smoked, it wasn't awkward though and you were happy to see someone that wasn't your mother, or someone who you were completely in love with, kenma is your favorite person to hangout with but knowing he has a girlfriend when you have feelings for him makes it hard. You turn to look at Suna again.
"Yo dude, you wanna come watch a movie with us? It'd be nice to catch up a bit"
"Yeah sure! Who is us though?"
"Kenma and Kurro are inside getting drinks n' shit you can share with me if you want"
"Cool let's head inside then"
You drop your cigarette on the ground and stomp on it with your platform take a deep breath and walk back inside.

• Inside the movies •

This movie is boring as shit, you could probably fall asleep if you wanted to. You turned to the right to see Kenma on his phone and to the left Suna was half asleep. At least you weren't the only one who found the movie boring, in fact Kurro was the only one who seemingly enjoyed it. You take a sip of your Dr.Pepper and dunk your hand into the shared large bucket of popcorn. You hoped every time you put your hand in there some cliche movie shit would go down and you'd end up grabbing Kenma's hand or something, but it never happened. You bent down and grabbed your rolled up blanket from the floor and eventually got your vodka out of the wad of blankets. After taking a big gulp of it yourself, you nudge Suna awake and offer him some, he takes a big swig of it and passes it back to you.
"I see how it is, not gonna offer me any?"
Kenma looks at you and takes the bottle out of your hand, he takes a big swig puts the cap back on the bottle and sets it between his legs
"your not getting this back, I haven't had alcohol in too long"
you roll your eyes a bit cause you did pay for it but decide not to care.
"You good, You usually don't drink unless something is wrong, or if your at a party" you know this from experience. One time kenma and his mom had a fight and he walked all the way to your house and chugged down an entire bottle of tequila. Needless to say.. he passed out on your floor and woke up so sick you both stayed home from school. You stayed just because you needed to take care of him till he felt better.
"yeah I'm okay, just a little upset. My girlfriend wants to hangout today but I told her I'm spending the day with you and Kuroo. She's a little pissed"

Oh, it's about her.
You calm yourself down and decide to respond

"She sounds a bit possessive, I hope it doesn't become too big of a problem. I don't want to have to stop hanging out with you because she doesn't like me" your a little worried about it, you don't want to lose him because his girlfriend says so, that would be complete bullshit.
"I won't let that happen y/n. I've known you forever I'm not going to let a relationship get in between us. I think you should meet her, we could throw a small get together down at the bridge?"
You look at kenma, grab the bottle and chug some of it down.
It might just be the vodka talking, but Kenma's girlfriend would be a fun person to play with.
"That would be fun. You said she wants to see you today? So how about we all meet up there later tonight."
Suna looks at you and leans into the conversation
"Sounds like a plan, see you two there"
The lights turn on and the credits roll on the TV. The movies over and you have a party to get ready for.

Sorry this took forever to put out, I have been super stressed with school work and I just got a job so I have less time to write. I got a little bit of writers block but even though this chapter is a bit short I think it was an okay spot to leave off! I hope you enjoy the story!

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