
34 0 7

Kenma was mad. he scolded you, told you you shouldn't have left Savannah out there alone when you saw the cops. You didn't apologize though, you waited for him to be done and you walked in the direction of your house.  You pulled out your phone, opened Spotify, and played the song All for Us By: Labrinth. it was dark, the moon was reflecting off the black asphalt, Your shoes making a faint splashing noise every time they hit the ground due to the rain the night before. You successfully got Savannah taken to the station, your happy about that. Kenma was angry though, you didn't want to see him angry. You felt like you should have made up with him before you walked off. You stop in the middle of the road, what do you do?
You mutter under your breath
You turn around and start running, you run and run until you finally get to Kenma's house. Breathing heavily from the running You walk around back and knock on the window to his room. He opens his window and lets out a worried sigh
"What the hell are you doing here? I thought you went home?"
You let your head fall and you stare at your shoes, you hold up your finger as a sign you need to catch your breath. you finally start to talk. 
"It didn't feel right to just leave after an argument, so I ran all the way here" you look back up and meet Kenmas eyes, he moves out of your way and let's you crawl through the window.
"You kinda deserved it, you did get my girlfriend sent to the station."
She deserved to be sent to the station, you wished you could say that but you didn't come here to start another argument.
"Yeah I guess I kinda did deserve it" you sigh and look around kenma's room, it brings back a lot of memories. You used to spend a lot of time here because of your at home situation. You have missed it here. He has an abundance of trash around his room but you've seen it worse.
"Your all sweaty and out of breath, Take my shirt and you left some shorts here you can wear this time."
He hands you a black long sleeved shirt with the Rolling Stones logo on it, along with a pair of black spandex shorts.
"I'll go to the bathroom to change then. Thanks for the shirt" you go down the hallway and peek into the bathroom only to find kenma's mom passed out on the floor, looks like she drank a lot herself. You turn around and walk back into kenma's room. "The bathroom is taken, your mom is passed out on the floor." He lets out a sigh and walks to the door.
"You can change in here, I can leave and stand outside the room until your done."
"Nah you don't have to leave, I can just turn around." You face the opposite of kenma and take your shirt off. You hear a small gasp for air and feel a slight touch to your back. You had completely forgotten about your bruises and scars from fights with your mom, some of them from fights with your moms boyfriends too. You quickly throw your shirt on and turn to face kenma
"I thought we agreed, if fights continue you come here and I can take care of your injuries here" he looks more worried than mad, but there is a sternness in his voice that tells you he really cares.
"I know.. but I can take care of myself, and I don't want to trouble you. You have enough to deal with on your own I don't want to add on to the stress" Kenma walks over to his bed and signals for you to sit down on the floor in front of him. You decide to go over there and sit.
"Your never adding on to stress, if it's something like this I want you to come over here. Okay? You being hurt doesn't help anybody." He takes a look at the nape of your neck and finds exactly what he expected to find. cigarette burns all over the place. "Are any of them new?"
You shrug your shoulders
"I guess it depends on what you consider new, I think the most recent one was about a week ago" kenma runs his fingers along the burns across your neck and gets up
"Your not going back home, not tonight, not after seeing your scars"
"Are you serious? I don't want to intrude, besides your mom is passed out in the bathroom! Won't she be pissed when she finds out?"
He shoots you a glare and throws some extra pillows and blankets onto his bed
"I don't want you going home tonight, I won't let you. I really don't want you getting hurt!"
You don't argue, there's no point.
"Where am I sleeping then? I can make a bed on the floor or something"
"No, your staying on the bed, I'll make a bed for myself on the floor"
This is not happening, your not taking his bed. Not gonna happen.
"No, I'm not barging in through your window and then stealing your bed"
Kenma looks at you for a second, he stops making his bed on the floor and lays on his bed.
"I guess we are sharing a bed then, unless your not comfortable with that"
Your a little shocked, your cheeks starting to burn. You push it down and sit on the bed
"I guess that's fine, but I get that side of the bed"
Kenma sighs and lets you crawl over to the side of the bed that faces away from the door and light switch.
"Kenma can you turn the lights off? Your closer"
He rolls his eyes but gets up and turns the light off anyway.
Your skin still tingles a little bit on your neck and back where he traced your burns and scars, you both lay in silence until you finally drift to sleep.


You open your eyes to find your head laying on kenma's chest while he is still sound asleep. You quickly sit up and look around, you almost forgot you stayed here last night. You feel heat rising on your cheeks and a smile spread across your face, it felt nice to stay here. You go to check the time on your phone but it's dead, so you check kenma's phone instead
Kenma's mom probably went to work by now, so you get up and decide to get a bowl of cereal out of the kitchen.

Kenma walks into the kitchen in his pajamas, his hair all messed up from sleeping, yawning and rubbing his eyes he looks over at you and smiles
"Morning, did you sleep okay?"
"Yeah I slept fine, better than I do when I'm at home."
"Good, that's what I was hoping to hear, now do you want to go out to get coffee?"
You stare at kenma a bit longer than you should have because he started to notice and, you think, you might have seen him blush a little.
"Oh uh yeah! Coffee sounds great, I'm in desperate need of caffeine, but do we have to go out? You have a perfectly good coffee maker here. Besides your hair is in desperate need of brushing"you point at kenma's head and let out a quiet laugh while he frantically turns his phone camera on to look at his hair
"Shit, it's super fucking messy"
You get up and start getting the coffee pot ready. The sun shining through the window and the perfectly clean kitchen was really nice to wake up to, usually you wake up to the smell of alcohol and some random guy passed out on your couch.
"I like your house, it's really homey. I could stay here forever" you turn the coffee pot on and turn around and find kenma staring at you
"Oh- uh yeah it's pretty nice, other than the verbal abuse and all that shit"
You walk over to the cabinet and pull out two coffee mugs.
"You know, your always welcome to come knock on my window and we can either go for a walk or chill at my house, if my mom isn't there of course" kenma smiles at you and gives you a playful push
"Says the one who was giving me shit for telling you to come over here when you need it!"
It was different for you though, you didn't want to burden kenma with your problems. He has his own family issues, a relationship, he has his own problems.
You love him.
You don't want to be a burden.
You just want to help.
"Y/n you not coming here when you need it just makes me worry more, the last thing I want to hear is that your going through it all alone"
You look up and give him a small smile
"Wow, I'm that easy to read huh?"
You turn around and pour the coffee into the mugs "you like your coffee black right? Or do you add creamer?"
Turning away from the counter facing kenma you find him reaching over your shoulder and grabbing his coffee
"Black is fine, let me get you the creamer."

Finally you make your coffee and sit at the table.

You and kenma spent pretty much the whole day together. Playing video games, talking about life, you guys were even on ft with kurro and Suna for a while just to check up on everyone. Kenma got a call from the police station and it turns out Savannah didn't snitch and ended up staying the night at the station because her parents were out of town and couldn't make it till later today. Her parents told her she wasn't even grounded though and she got off with a warning.

Kenma finally drops you off around 11:30 pm he pulled out of the driveway, you waved goodbye, and walked into your house at the worst possible time.

I'm so sorry about my inconsistency in posting. I would definitely like to thank the people who have supported the story so far! I'm so grateful that people actually enjoy my writing! I already have so many ideas for the next chapter so be ready this is only the beginning!! Prepare for major angst XD

I Love Him // Kenma x Reader Where stories live. Discover now