The party!

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After the movies Kurro and Kenma dropped you off at your house. When you walked in the door you realized your mother was gone and you would be able to get ready and leave before she comes back home. You walk down the hallway past your bathroom and Open the door to your room. The first thing you see when you open the door is the wall filled with posters of your favorite bands. Pictures of you and Kenma, along with pictures of other friends like Suna and Kurro, are hung up across the wall. Your bed is low to the ground and you painted your floor black, you walk over to your small wooden bedside table and turn on your speaker. You can't get ready without some music.

You flip through your playlist trying to find the right song until you eventually decide on Still don't know my name by labrinth. You walk over to your closet to pick out an outfit for the party. While looking through all of your clothes you come across a black top that has a chain loop at the bottom you get that out and throw it on your bed. You find your fishnets and a pair of black shorts. You throw it all on with a blue flannel and decide you should wear your spiked choker and some leg accessories.

This is your outfit: 

This is your outfit: 

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It's time for makeup. You know you want to look bold, you want to walk in like you have all the confidence in the world, even if you feel like shit. You have about 45 minutes until you need to start walking to the bridge So you can't spend too much time on makeup. You decide on black lipstick and some black eyeshadow with a thick wing.

On your way out the door you look in the fridge and steal a whole bottle of whiskey from your mother, she'll get angry at you later for sure, but you decide to take it anyway.

•About an hour of walking later•

You almost trip over your own feet and tumble down the hill on your way down to the bridge but you catch yourself. You make it under the bridge and realize your the first one there. It feels weird not being decked out in goth makeup like normal but you like how you look, it's a nice change of pace. You set your whiskey bottle down and you light your cigarette. You see Kenma, Suna, and finally Kenma's girlfriend. She is not what you expected, she's the complete opposite of you. She has shoulder length light brown hair, she's wearing a pink crop top and blue ripped jeans

She's the most basic bitch you've ever seen.

"Finally here you guys? I've been here for like 5 minutes"
"With you 5 minutes means you actually like just got here" kenma knows you well, you tend to over exaggerate you give Kenma and Suna a hug and look over at Kenma's girlfriend. He could do so much better.

Why her?

You put your cigarette up to your mouth and Take a drag. You decide to walk up to her and hold your hand out. "I'm y/n" you blow the smoke directly into her face and start to chuckle "you must be the infamous girlfriend I've herd so much about" she starts to cough from the smoke, it's obvious she's never smoked before. your gonna have some fun with this "what's your name?" Recovering from her cough she starts to speak
"I'm savannah"
she even sounded like a snobby rich kid, she couldn't be any different from you. "Well, Savannah I think your going to have fun here" your obviously being sarcastic and came off as annoyed. you turn to look at Suna who is already starting to laugh to himself
"You don't like her huh?" Suna whispers to you trying really hard not to burst into laughter. You look over at them talking to each other. You whisper back
"Why would I? I mean look at her, the fuck possessed Kenma to date her?" You walk over to them and decide to start messing with her a bit and made a proposal "Hey you two! How about some truth or dare?" Kenma agreed right away and you went to go sit down next to your bottle of whiskey. Savannah reluctantly joins us sitting in a circle. "We can spin the whiskey bottle to see who starts, but don't fucking break it I need my alcohol and I didn't bring anymore with me" you put the whiskey bottle in the middle and let Kenma spin it, it lands on Suna so, guess he goes first. "Savannah, truth or dare?"
"Hmmm Dare I guess" You look at Suna and he shoots you a smirk. You have no Idea what he's planning but hopefully it will make her uncomfortable.
"Alright, I dare you to kiss y/n"
Well that'll make her uncomfortable, you really don't care much. You've fucked around with people before, no matter the gender. She looks super straight, and is already obviously uncomfortable. You decide to make the first move. "Alright whatever I'm okay with that do you want us to use tongue or what?"
"I don't care it's whatever"
You stand up and take another drag off of your cigarette then stomp it out. You look down at her, lift her head up by the chin, and kiss her. you break from the kiss and look at Kenma and lick your lips. You go back to your seat and look at Savannah, she looks surprised, Almost like.... "Oh shit, Was that your first kiss?" she looks a little embarrassed. You start to chuckle. "sorry Ken, looks like I stole your girlfriends first kiss" you pop open the bottle of whiskey and take a big sip.

The party is just getting started

•• About 45 minutes later ••

Truth or dare was fun but we got bored after a while, you stopped after Pouring whiskey into Suna's mouth from the top of the bridge, and having Kenma try and do a push-up with You on his back, but there was one thing you really hated, Savannah was sticking to Kenma like glue the whole time. You needed to find a good way to mess with her. Until you come up with the perfect idea.

5 minutes later, Everyone is on top of the bridge •

"Yo Suna, hand me the whiskey!"
Suna passes the bottle over to you and you take a big gulp. When you look up you see cop lights coming around the corner, right on time.
"Shit, cops!" You yell, push the whiskey bottle into Savannah's hands.

you, Kenma, and Suna all jumped down under the bridge but Savannah just stood in shock. The cops pulled up and asked Savannah for some identification and the took her to the station.

~Chapter end~

|| there are probably so many grammar mistakes I'm so sorry for that, I hope you guys enjoy the story so far! ||

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