Future Johnny

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I don't know how to put myself in his position. Living with a younger sibling is surely the best thing. I get to tell her what i want her to do without complaining and it's like paradise.

Although, it might be because she's still young so she had no choice but i'm really going to enjoy these few years until she realizes that what she's just doing dumb stuff i told her to do.

Telling her off is nice but having to take care of her the whole week without my parents is another thing. She usually gets cranky without mum so it's going to be a long week.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean i can tell my aunt to take care of her instead of us." I asked him again,

"Yeah, it'll be fun right?" He replied as he went in,

"Johnny! He's here!" My little sister yelled as soon as she saw him,

"Hey there princess, how are you?" He said as he carried her.

This melts me. Calling her princess, lifting her up and just asking about her day truly sets me off to another level. I can imagine him being a very lovable father in the future.

"I am great. Are you going to stay with us tonight?" She asks,

"Yeah, i wanna spend some time with you." She was happy when he answered her like that.

With fifteen year difference, it was hard to be a big sister for her. I had to take care of her most of the times to help out my mum. Most days were fun but there are some days that i just wanted to getaway from her.

She hardly spends time with boys since dad is always away so whenever Johnny comes by and leaves quickly, she always cries non stop until someone decides to take her to eat ice cream or getting her something that she wants. If only i get to do that when Johnny leaves.

"Hey Elsa, why don't you bring out your new toy that dad gave to you last night?" I told her and she ran towards her room.

"Elsa? She likes frozen these days?" He said,

"Yup, i've watched the movie five times this week." I plopped down next to him,

"So when will your parents come back?" He asks,

"Um this weekend i think. I don't know, they haven't spend time for themselves since mum gave birth so i told them to not worry. Plus i have you so they just went and yeah." I smiled.

She came back bringing her toys and asked Johnny to accompany play so he did. Watching them play is the cutest thing ever. Now i know for sure that she might not get too cranky this week. As long as i have Johnny by my side.

He hardly shows me his aegyos, always showing his tough side. But here playing with my little sis, he even changes his voice to a soft and sweet one.

"I'm going to make lunch." I told him.

I couldn't focus much since he arrives. My mind floats everywhere, seeing him being a good dad. Anyone would be lucky to have him.

It was nearly bedtime and she asked Johnny to read her some books, finally off duties. I leaned on the door seeing my little sister falls asleep as she leans on his chest. He carefully closed the book and move to tuck her in.

"I have a feeling you're going to be a great dad." I smiled,

"Oh really? Like a dad or a daddy?" He smirked, i hit his arm.

"And you are going to be a great mum and wife." He pinched my nose,

"Yeah right."

"I'm gonna go home now." He said and earn a sigh from me.

"You know you could stay here, my parents would love to know that their daughters are in safe hand if a robber comes by." I said,

"And my little sis would love to see you in the morning knowing you slept here." I continued,

"Your sister or you?" He chuckled as he hugged me.

He didn't complain afterwards instead he jumped in bed with me.

I woke up the next morning seeing him standing in the corner of the room, right in front of the window where the sunlight strikes. He seems to be rocking back and forth, side to sides. Mumbling a few words and realizes that he was carrying a baby.

"Hey, didn't wanna wake you up so i gave formula for our baby." He said sweetly.

I gasped so hard that i woke him up. The dream felt so real as if i was seeing my future. This better be my future because i can't imagine life without Johnny.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he pulled me closer,

"Sorry, i woke you up. I-i just had a dream." I looked up to him to see his sleepy face.

"Nightmares?" He asked again.

"No, it was a good one."

"What was it? Am i in your dream?" He smirks,

"Yes, you were."

I told him and this just makes me want it to happen so bad.

"I'd love to see that for real." He said,

"Really? You do?" I asked him,

"Yeah, of course. I wanna marry you, have kids with you and of course grow old with you." He replied,

"I'd like that too." I said as i scrooge closer where i can hear his heartbeat.

Somehow everything came true. Forever with Johnny, something i couldn't ask for more.


Johnny's been on my mind lately so i hope from that i can keep writing, pouring out all my ideas lol

Hope this one was okay, sorry i got carried away and the idea just gets everywhere.


- my mind's occupied because of this guy -

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