I dont know what it is. But i can never sleep in a new place.
I can only sleep in my very own cozy bed or Vinnie's.
Don't get me wrong this hotel bed was nice and all. Its just that i wasn't used to it.
Now its 2a.m. and i cant sleep at all.
I was just staring over at our balcony as the lights of the walkways shined through our room.
Thats when i finally decided to go out into the balcony.
I sat my ass down in one of the little chairs they kept out there. It was dark but the moon helped me see the ocean a lot clearer.
I'm still in shock that we were here.
I was here with my favorite cousin, close friend and best boyfriend i could ever ask for.
I took this time to appreciate everything i was given.
"Babe?" had me startled.
I turn my body to see Vinnie rubbing his eyes awake.
"Are you okay?" he yawned while lifting me from my chair and sitting in it then placing me on his lap.
"Yeah. Just couldnt sleep." i let out a small sigh.
"Did i wake you?" I pushed back the small curls covering his eyes.
"Yeah. Scared the shit out of me. I didnt see you in the bed so i thought you fell again." he said with his raspy voice.
I let out a small giggle as i laid my head on his chest.
"Do you actually see a future with me, Vinnie?" I bit my lip nervously.
"Of course." he kissed the top of my head.
"I hope so."
"Im 100% confident we were meant for each other, Rori." he smiled at me. "I don't really want to deal with anybody else 24/7 like i do with you." he wrapped his arms around me.
"You're cute." i smile.
"C'mon lets go to bed."
a few days later
"We're back!" Vinnie cheered as he dropped his luggage off by the front door. "Race you to the room." He looked at me then ran up the stairs.
"Hey!" i laugh as i follow him up there. "You cheated." i jump on his back.
"No i didnt. You're cheating." he opened his bedroom door.
It felt so good to be back. I missed it here.
I cant be far away from home too long.
"Okay babe. I better go. I have to go check on my apartment. My landlord told me that i have a bunch of packages sitting in his office."
"Want me to go with you?"
"No its okay. You stay and reunite with the homies. Give them little kissies."
"How'd you know what I was gonna do?" he stared at me blankly.
"You're always kissing the homies." i laugh as Kio barged into his room.
"Vinnie where have you been?!" he shouted dramatically as he jumped on him, causing both of them to fall on the bed.
"I hate you guys." i laughed at how they quickly pushed each other away.
i said i'd update more... soooo DOUBLE UPDATE🥺
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