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Rori's pov

Once i took a shower and changed my clothes i made my way back to Vinnie's.

He was on the couch with Bailey.

"You're watching it without me?" I glared at my boyfriend who had a worried face.

"Im sorry. Bailey only wanted to watch this show." Vinnie pulled me onto his lap.

Vinnie and I both has strict rules. I watch his anime shows with him and he watches whatever im watching. Recently i've been watching Grand Army.

But from the looks of it Vinnie was  done with it since he finished it with Bailey.

"Its cool. Im just gonna go to sleep." I stood up.

"Yeah me too." Vinnie yawned as he followed me.

Bailey has a blanket and pillow folded besides her. She better not bug us.

We entered his bedroom and quickly got comfy.

He locked the door so nobody would bother us. Thankfully.

I felt Vinnie's arms wrap around me gently as we laid in silence.

"You don't like Bailey do you?" I could hear the stressful sigh come from him.

"No." I intertwined my fingers with his. "But thats okay."

"Hey Rori?"

"Yeah?" I flipped my body around to be face to face with Vinniepooh.

"I really want to be public with the relationship." He let out a sigh.

"Then lets do it." I didn't even hesitate to respond.

"Wait really?"

"People are going to hate on us, public or not. Fuck it. As long as we're happy at the end of the day. Thats all i care about." I leaned in to give him a kiss.

"Thats all i care about too." He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

Quickly falling asleep in my arms.



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Liked by luvanthony, baileyxo, luvrori and 745,289 othersVinniehacker guys im in love

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Liked by luvanthony, baileyxo, luvrori and 745,289 others
Vinniehacker guys im in love

Shaneboyer_ awww i love you beb
vinniehacker luv u more

Baileyxo okay bestie🤭☺️
vinniehacker i kinda snapped
Crazyrandom100 who the fuck is bailey??

Luvrori me too😍
vinniehacker ❤️

Luvanthony ^^woah
vinniehacker hehe yup

Random1 uhhhh what?^

Crazyfan11 since when did this happen?

Random44 yall rori took vinnie from us😪

Random55 remind me when they break up🙃✌🏼
baileyxo lol

Vinniehacker  yup:)

Random68 im gonna throw up. the cringiest couple ever

Kiocyr rori and vinnie are cuties together quit hating
luvrori luv u
Kiocyr now we dont have to fake a relationship together😭


Liked by vinniehacker, dixiedamelio, kiocyr and 746,673 othersLuvrori poopy pants

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Liked by vinniehacker, dixiedamelio, kiocyr and 746,673 others
Luvrori poopy pants

Vinniehacker your poopy pants❤️
luvrori yeeeah all mine🤩

Dixiedamelio yayyyy
luvrori ur turn
Dixiedamelio yikes

Kiocyr vinnie the vampire
luvrori hahaha

Randomcrazy17 i give them a week
luvrori try 7 months 😌

Luvanthony yesss cuz
luvrori thx cuz:)💞

Qgriggss is this allowed😳
luvrori shut up middleschooler

Blakegray happy for u rori
luvrori thx bud💞

Random11 im crying😭😭

Random21 did yall losers fr think u had a chance?

Random99 ugly bich

Thank u for 7k wtf

Im happy yall fw the book as much as i do

Im happy yall fw the book as much as i do

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😳ive done this

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