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Rori's pov


"Here." Vinnie handed me his sweater.

"Thanks." I gave him a warm smile and watched as he skated back towards the boys.

Meanwhile, Bailey and I sat on the side watching.

"So how long have you been dating?" She playfully nudged me.

"Its going to be 7 months in a few days." I smile to myself.

"Oh wow..." she laughed amazed.

"What?" I turn to look at her.

"Just surprised. Thats all. Never thought Vinnie could find a girl that wouldn't cheat. He tends to pick the worst girls for himself."

Was that insulting?

I shrugged it off and just watched my boyfriend do tricks that he was trying to master.

"So how about you? How long have you been friends with Vinnie?" I faked the smile.

"Ever since elementary school." She grinned. "We've been besties since 5th grade. Theres no replacing me. I've seen all his girlfriends come and go. But i'm always by his side."

Yeah i don't know how long i can take this bitch.

"Good for you."


Now it was silent.

"I just hope Vinnie finds the perfect girl."

"Im literally his girlfriend. What are you trying to say?" I stood up dusted myself off.

"Nothing. I was just sayi-"

"Well dont say anything. You make it seem like Vinnie's single. He's not. He's with me. And if you aren't happy with that then suck it." I crossed my arms.

And now she stood up.

"I just care about Vinnie... a lot. And i'll be damned if he gets his heart broken again. Especially by a girl like you."

"A girl like me?" I raise a brow.

"Rori... i see right through you. You are only with him for the fame."

"For the fame?" My jaw dropped.

"First of all i had a following before we dated, second our relationship is private, and third when the video of us kissing got out I got hate from it. Not fame."

"Okay whatever." She rolled her eyes at me.

I think Vinnie knew we were arguing because when we made eye contact he fell off his board and slammed onto the ground hard.

"Vinnie!" I immediately sprinted over to him.

He groaned in pain as he laid his back on the hard cement.

aurora | vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now