the blood chalice

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Vida was still standing in the doorway, staring at the empty bed, even though hours had passed by. The dried tear streaks on her cheeks hurt every time she moved her face, reminding her that she was gone. She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, turning around and seeing Genevive with a pitiful look on her face. "Vida, you've been standing there for hours" she reached out and closed the door slowly. Vida's eyes were trained onto the bed until the door was completely closed. "You need to accept that she's gone," she took her shoulders, looking into her eyes "and we need to hope she's okay". Vida shook Genevive hands off her shoulders looking at the ground and walked down the hall, not really sure where she was going. Genevive stood at the otherside of the hall, not calling out to her. She kept walking while looking at the ground, until she found herself at the door to a familiar room.Vida sighed, preparing herself, before knocking twice on the big wooden door.

Maid Lilith. The short woman opened the door, the whites of her eyes red, and her nose a light pink colour. "Vida, I'm so sorry" she said, her voice almost hysterical. Maid Lilith had long untamed curly hair that sat on her shoulders and down her back. She had a very clear pale face, and huge light brown doey eyes, which often fooled people that she was shy. She nearly lunged at Vida, pulling her into a hug, sobbing into her shoulder. Vida grimaced, realising that a mixture of snot and tears was sitting on her shoulder. Noticing this, maid Lilith wiped off the residue on Vida's shoulder, whispering tiny "sorrys". Vida, unable to hold it back any longer blurted out, "Lilith, what is the blood cursed chalice?" Lilith stopped her movements quickly, and her eyes went wide, pupils dilating in shock. She looked left and right before tugging Vida into the room sharply. 

"Vida, you mustn't mention that around people- actually never again, never mention that again." "Lilith what's wrong? Why can't I say blood cur-" Lilith quickly stepped forward, covering Vida's mouth with her hand. Vida violently ripped Lilith's hand off her face, extremely fed up "LILITH I WANT YOU TO TELL ME WHAT THE BLOOD CURSED CHALICE IS RIGHT NOW, I HAVE LOST MY ONLY SISTER BECAUSE OF IT AND I DESERVE AT LEAST SOME CLOSER! NOW I COMMAND YOU TO TELL ME NOW" Lilith shrunk back, stunned by Vida's outburst. After a few seconds she sighed, flattening out her dress with the palm of her hands. "Ok, ok" she said, in almost a whisper. "I'll tell you about it," she sighed, and sat on the tainted green sheets with an ungraceful thump "the chalice". After a few seconds of silence, Maid Lilith spoke, looking into the distance, as if she were searching deep through her memories. " Many years ago the Zorronian warriors came together-" " and they're bond helped them defeat the evil sorcerer Esmeralda, I know" Vida interrupted, rolling her eyes. Maid Lilith continued, "yes but Vida there's more to it than you know" a serious expression clouded over her face, something that Vida would never think to see in her lifetime. "The sorcerer was never defeated. Just banished" 

Vida felt panic go through her veins as bile rose in her throat. Lilith went on. "S-she was banished to the outskirts of the kingdom, of all the kingdoms. People call the place, 'the edge of the earth'. There the witch was banished and she's stayed there for thousands of years-" "what does this have to do with Aria?" Vida said looking at the ground. Maid Lilith shifted uncomfortably before trying to choose her next words. "The blood chalice is a powerful object that the sorcerer used, against all the kingdoms. The only way we defeated her was- well it w-was" she looked up at Vida with uncertainty, surprisingly Vida sat silent, preparing herself to hear Lilith's next words. "we had to sacrifice a royal child." Vida instantly felt her stomach drop. Her soul flooded with feelings of betrayal and anger. She kept her gaze at her hands, afraid if she looked at anything else she would explode.She shut her eyes, her eyebrows burrowing, her breathing growing heavier and heavier. Just breathe Vida, Just breathe. 

Unable to keep her anger at bay, she shot up and ran out of Maid Lilith's room, unable to hear Lilith's cry out to her. She ran down the halls so fast that she could no longer feel her feet hitting the ground, so fast that the tinted windows on the walls looked like long stripes of dark green. It felt like her legs were on autopilot, not really sure where she was going, but sure that she would release all her anger on whoever she ended up meeting. Soon she found herself face to face with Leona. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN" Leona looked at her daughter with guilt, somehow knowing in her gut exactly what she was talking about.

"Vida, who told y-"


"Vida, you need to underst-"


Leona stood there silent, tears falling down her face

"I'm done with you," Vida said bitterly. She turned on her heel and found Florence standing behind her, the soft red on her cheeks deepening in colour.


"How do I get to the edge of the earth"

Florence started fiddling with her fingers, her eyes darting back and forth between Leona and Vida. Eventually she spoke up "well uh- i'm pretty sure you have to go through all the kingdoms-" Vida walked past Florence briskly heading down the hall. "Where are you going?" Florence asked, concern flooding over her features. Vida stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"I'm going to get Aria back"

Lmao sorry for the delay- I got lazy :/. Anyways please enjoy this chapter, remember to comment and vote. :)

Thx ;)

(ps i'll try to be more consistent with the chapters now-)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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