Chapter 24

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The next day Rick thought it'll be good to take his niece and nephew to the ice skating rink. He went to their house and picked them up, they were so excited. His brother and sister-in-law told him to have them back by 4, he nodded and left. He picked Kenny up and headed to the ice skating rink. He pulled up in a park and saw from a distance four girls and one of them was holding a child's hand while walking in. He could tell the one holding the child hand was Paris.

Kenny and Rick grabbed each of the kids hands and headed in. They grabbed ice skates and went to find a seat.

"Hey Mr Evans" he looked up to see Paris and her friends waving to him he walked over to them to say hello.

"This is Sarah and Lincoln" Rick introduced them to the girls. "My nephew and niece"

"Hi my name is Lisa, this is Charlotte, Sasha, Brayden and Paris" Lisa said to his niece and nephew.

"Hi" they both said shyly. "You're pretty" Sarah said to Paris.

"Thanks" Paris said to her and then tickled Sarah she squirmed and giggled from the tickle. "You're ticklish just like me"

"Very ticklish" Rick agreed. "Lincoln this is Brayden he's your age"

"I know Brayden, we go to school together we're bestfriends" Lincoln said excited. Brayden and Lincoln started to put their skates on and then went on the ice.

"Be careful Lincoln" "be careful Brayden" Rick and Paris said at the same time they looked at each other and laughed.

The rest placed their skates on and then hit the ice. Paris is pretty good at ice skating, she started to do spins and other tricks. Rick watched her, Kenny thought it would be funny to knock him over while he was in his daydream so he started towards Rick fast but Rick knew what Kenny was doing and as soon as Kenny was about to hit him, he braced for  the impact. He hit Rick really hard and instead of Rick falling to the ground Kenny fell back landing on his ass while Rick laughed his head off.

Paris saw what happened to Kenny and was pretty turned on by how strong Rick is, concentrate Paris. She laughed at Kenny's face and she skated over to Rick and Kenny, still shaking from laughing. The other girls pulled up beside them too with Sarah. "Are you alright?" Sasha asked Kenny but laughed at the end.

"Yeah fine" he started to get up but Rick pushed him back down again.

"That's for trying to knock me over" Rick said with his sexy smirk. Paris shook her head internally to get rid of her bad thoughts.

"Whatever" Kenny got up and shrugged it off.

"Well next time I'll put my shoulder into you" Rick poked Kenny in the chest.

"Yeah, yeah" Kenny said hitting Rick's hand away.

"You two are so immature" Charlotte said laughing. After that the boys finally showed up.

"Hey girls" Chris said then grabbed Paris into a kiss she pulled away and looked towards Rick to see his jaw clenching.

"Boys this is Kenny and Sarah" Lisa said to them "Sarah's Mr Evans niece"

"Hey nice to meet you, my names Chris, this is Shane, Phil and Cameron" Chris pointed to each boy. Cameron wasn't paying match attention to anyone else but only to Charlotte. Charlotte and Cameron headed off hand in hand skating around the rink.

"So sir are you feeling better now?" Shane asked him.

"I wasn't sick it was family trouble" answered Rick looking away.

"So you're all Rick's students" Kenny cut in. He noticed Rick jaw clenching when that Chris guy grabbed Paris into a passionate kiss.

"Yeah" they said at once.

"So this is your boyfriend Paris?" asked Kenny.

"No" Paris said quickly shaking her head and hands with wide eyes.

"Oh sorry, that kiss looked like you were together" he pointed between them two.

"No just friends" Chris stated smiling, he saw Rick's jaw clenching too but shrugged it off. Him and the boys can tell Paris and Rick have feelings for each other. The boys thought they would be a perfect couple.

"With benefits" Kenny asked knowingly.

"Yeah something like that but Paris is a virgin" answered Shane to Kenny smirking.

"Ok" Kenny looked towards Rick but he was already gone.

"When you see Brayden you'll see him with a little boy, his names Lincoln Mr Evans nephew" Paris said to the boys and then headed to find Rick. She knew he was angry at her and Chris. "Hey Rick" she skated in front of him to stop him.

"Hey" he said but not looking at her.

"What's wrong?" she asked him and could see her friends and Kenny watching it all.

"Nothing's wrong" he said shrugging then started skating again. Sarah came up to Paris and grabbed her hand to skate together.

It was lunch when Brayden found his sister "I'm hungry" he said to her.

"Ok we'll get some pizza" they all took their skates off and that's when Kenny and Rick rocked up.

They order pizza and found a table to sit at. The kids sat at a table by themselves just nearby. Rick was getting worried about being seen with his students so he sat with his niece and nephew. Kenny came and joined them.

"Sir, why aren't you sitting with us?" Cameron asked him curiously.

"You're my students Cameron I might get in trouble for socialising with you out of school" answered Rick.

"So" Shane said this time "you model with Paris"

"Yeah well that's different" Rick said shrugging with a annoyed face.

"Ok" they left it be and started to eat.

After they ate their lunch it was time to go home. They all said their goodbyes and left. When Paris and Brayden got home they were exhausted from their busy day. Paris went to her room Brayden did too. Darla and Damian were out spending time together. When they got home the house was quiet. They knew the kids were home but where were they. Darla headed upstairs and checked their rooms, both were asleep. They woke them up so that they will sleep tonight.

They had a very yummy dinner tonight and was a early night for all of them. The week went fast and soon enough it was Christmas Eve. Damian and Darla put on a Christmas Eve party and invited Rick, Kenny and Paris's friends. The night was so fun, Paris wore black tights with a long red sweater that looked like a dress and had a Christmas tree on it. She had on black uggs and a beanie. Rick thought she was so beautiful in those casual clothes. Paris caught him looking at her and walked over to him. She sat beside him and started talking.

"Why don't we play charades?" Damian suggested.

"Cool" Chris got up and whispered into Shane's ear. Shane got up and started.

Everyone had a turn and the winner was Cameron. They all started to talk again until Damian called out that the food was ready. They all sat around the table and started to eat. After dinner the girls cleaned up and the boys sat around talking in the living room. It was finally time for bed but the boys didn't want to leave.

"But if you don't go Santa Claus won't come" Paris said pouting. They all looked at her and started laughing, Rick just looked at her shaking his head.

"Santa Claus isn't real" Shane said slowly. Lucky Brayden was in bed because he's too little yet.

"Yes he is" she said crossing her arms over her chest and pouting.

"You're too cute" Rick said, then looked surprised because he said it out loud must have been the alcohol. Everyone looked at him and smiled. Paris blushed right to her roots and everyone laughed at her red face.

"I'm going to bed now, goodnight" she got up and left for bed.

Everyone stayed for a little longer and then headed home. Paris couldn't wait for Christmas tomorrow. Her friends and her gave their presents out tonight because they wouldn't see them on Christmas Day. Her parents gave Rick and Kenny a present and they did the same.


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