Chapter 5 - use(less)ful demons

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Aristes didn't vanish deliberately. Jasper hadn't seen the metal mesh above their heads, being focused onto the ground so he wouldn't trip and break his neck. He also hadn't seen that the metal mesh had opened and someone grabbed Aristes around the throat, pulling him through the opening onto another hallway, losing the books in the process. Without letting go, Aristes got pushed against the nearest wall, feet dangling in the air.

»What do you think you're doing with this human?«, the demon holding him spat out.

»Oh, hi Hargamon. Nice to see you«, Aristes coraked. Demons didn't necessarily need to breathe, but it was nice to have the option. Especially if you wanted to use your vocal chords to their full potential. »We're doing nothing really. Just showing him the Underworld. A little sightseeing tour of sorts.« Hargamon watched him through glowing eyes but Aristes managed to not quirm under the intimidating stare. He had no doubt that Hargamon could become dangerous to him, but if all these years living with demons taught him one thing, it was how to hide his weaknesses and how scared he actually was.

»I didn't think you were that stupid.«

»And there I thought we knew each other. After all we've been through«, Aristes sighed dramatically when Hargamon manifested his weapon of choice. The speer looked sharp enough to cut through paper, let alone his skull and made Aristes shut up at once. Hargamon pointed it at his chest, the place where his black little heart was currently beating fast enough to make him dizzy.

»You're wasted as a demon. Do I need to remind you, about what happened last time you tried to play the hero?«, Hargamon growled, baring his sharp teeth, sobering Aristes like he just got slapped in the face. »I won't let you save his soul. Just like I made sure you wouldn't save them back in Europe. You are either going to stay away from that human so the curse can do it's job without any more interference. Or you're going to kill him yourself and bring me his soul.«

»Or what?«, Aristes choked out, Hargamons grip around his throat still unyielding.

»Or I'll gladly do the paperwork concerning your death. It might actually already be written«, the demon smiled coldly. Aristes nearly laughed.

»That's flattering, really, but I can't. Kill Jasper, that is. I made a contract with him.«

»No, you didn't«, Hargamon spat out and Aristes grimaced.

»Uhm, yes I did. Check the paperwork.« The suddenness of Hargamon letting go of him shocked him so much, he didn't land on his feet, but crumbled to the ground like a puppet whose strings got cut. But Aristes didn't care. He knew he'd won. For now at least.

»I hate you«, Hargamon exclaimed, throwing his spear in an attempt to impale Aristes like a target on the shooting range. But Aristes was faster and rolled out of the way and onto his feet. The speer hit the wall next to him and went clean into the stone. The knowledge that it wouldn't have killed him while going right through his body was only a small comfort. It was true that demons could hurt each other. They could fight and tear each other apart. But they could never ever kill each other. It was a rule as unyielding as gravity herself. The only creatures dangerous enough to eliminate demons were the representatives of heaven.

»You're welcome«, Aristes choked out, grinning up at the other demon, whose eyes only glowed brighter.

»I'm going to end you and this pitiful human being.«

»Good luck with that.« Hargamon huffed out a black, sulfur reeking cloud of smoke.

»You don't believe me.«

»Please. You weren't able to steal a human's soul and he survived your death curse. What makes you think you'll ever get his soul?«, Aristes asked mockingly and to his surprise Hargamon started laughing.

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