Chapter 9 - return of the butterknife

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The demon was indeed, full of surprises, as he was, despite their agreement nowhere to be found the next day.

»Aristes?«, Jasper called out when he entered the living room still in his pajamas but apparently, the flat was empty. It was weird how easily he got used to the demon being in his space. Either raiding his fridge (that strangely enough had energy drinks stacked in it, that Jasper didn't remember buying) or reading on the couch, feet propped on the armrest, lying in the place where the morning sun would fall through the window.

Jasper took out his phone and sent him a quick text message, asking where he was. Didn't they want to visit Selene today? If something came up, he could at least have told him.

Jasper started to get worried when lunch time came and went and he still didn't hear anything from Aristes.

Jasper decided to get really worried when Avery showed up and there was still no trace of Aristes.

»I mean what if something happened? What if Hargamon got him? Or if he's had an accident. Can demons have accidents?«, Jasper rambled as Avery made her way into the kitchen, putting the food she brought onto the counter.

»Why are you so nervous? He's a demon. He can handle stuff on his own.«

»I don't know. I just have a bad feeling.«

»Aww, that's really sweet«, Avery cooed and Jasper started to regret letting her into the flat. »I mean I can't say that it's not a bit suspicious but I wouldn't worry that pretty little head of yours. Do you want me to have a look at what my tarot cards have to say about all that?«, she offered then but Jasper only sighed, sitting down at the table when Avery put a take-away container with food in front of him.

»No, it's fine.« It's not like he didn't already do a reading of his own. The cards basically told him to relax.

Avery distracted him with the latest news from university and her efforts in perfecting a piece she was learning for her assignment.

»Would you be open to accompany me on the piano?«, she asked, halfway through her box of noodles and Jasper shrugged.

»Why not. Just be prepared for me sounding awful. I haven't practiced in weeks and I'm not sure how much I can use the pedals.«

»That's fine. I just really miss playing with you.« Jasper smiled.

»Same. I miss playing in general. And university. They've been sending me the lecture material so I can catch up but it's not the same«, he sighed.

»Will you be able to catch up though? You've been on sick leave for quite some time now.«

»Another reason why I want to get rid of this curse as soon as possible«, Jasper said, casting a glance to the black, silky feather that he stuck to the fridge, in hopes that Aristes would magically reappear.

He didn't.

Instead his phone rang with an unknown number. Jasper picked up hoping it was Aristes.


»Hi. Can I speak to Jasper, please?« It wasn't Aristes. Jaspers heart sank.

»That's me.«

»Great. My name is Selene. I think I found a demon that belongs to you.«


The address Selene gave him, was indeed in the neighborhood Avery had found. Jasper and Avery stood before a small cottage style house, surrounded by trees at the end of the lane. The front lawn was filled with wild herbs and flowers. A stony path led through it to the door where Jasper pressed the bell, which rang softly through the house.

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