Chapter 3: Heaven, Sea and Heart

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"Oh, hello. Estella, you woke up. "said my first big brother. And I replied "Y-yes, I did. What's for breakfast? " That was a silly question, because I know what's for breakfast. It's on the table. "Just eat already, I am late for school!" my other brother said. He looks kind of angry. Well, I suppose that Emily's brother is like this? "Ignore Sea. He didn't sleep well yesterday. "Heart said, while staring at Sea. Sea looked at Heart and said "Mind your own business, Heart. " So that's why I know Heart's name. Heart was kinda funny, I guess? Well, you know. My older brother shirked. " AWHHHHH!!! A WORM, A WORMMMM!!!!!" A worm? Why is he scared of worms? Are worms that scary? Heart and Sea shouted and ran for their lives too!! "Estella! Run!!! A wormmmm!!!! "shouted Heart. I was just standing there when I knew what to do. "Don't worry, brothers! I'll save you guys! " I said, with confidence. Well, being a little sister was kinda hard. You must earn that title of braveness. So, what do I do? I don't even know how to catch a BIG and FRICKING worm! 

"I-is the STUPID worm caught??? "asked my big brother. I answered "Not yet. I-I am trying.  "I was so scared, I don't know what to do. The worm. AHHH, SO CREEPY!! But, I just took some toilet paper to prove my braveness. And I just, you know what, right? Got the worm. It wriggled on my hand in the toilet paper. I wanna scream, but I didn't, at all. So, I quickly carried the worm and threw it in the dustbin. My brothers were so relieved, they said "AWWWW!! Our cute little sister. You killed the worm. How brave. " I was so scared, I just wanna scream!! The stupid worm just... UGH! I don't wanna talk about it now. So, I ate the breakfast my big brother made and I went to school.

"W-what? You caught a worm? You must be kidding, right? " said Maden, while looking at me with sad eyes. How bad is it though? The worm's just a little tiny creature (ALTHOUGH I HATE IT SO MUCH!! ), why do they need to be fricking out? I said "Emily's not afraid of a tiny worm is she? She's brave, I bet she could catch a wasp. " I bragged. "No, I can't catch any bugs. Well, at least I can read, right? " Emily asked. " That doesn't count, Emily. You have to catch bugs. How about you catch one, hmmm ... ah there!" I said. Over there in the garden in our school, a grasshopper was hopping. Then, it layed down, peacefully. "Go catch it. Over there.  "I said. "What? That creepy thing? " Emily asked, shivering. "I can't! " "I will give you an extra chocolate chip cookie today. If you catch it.  "I snickered. "Well, ok then.  "she said, and she went closer to that nasty bug. And she placed her hands on it. And, with heavy strength, she caught the grasshopper. We cheered and she placed the grasshopper down, gently. "I will never hurt animals. NEVER, YOU HEAR ME? " Emily said. "Yeah yeah, we know! " Me, Maden and Suzen replied while laughing.  

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