𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1- 𝑯𝒐𝒈𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔

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Authors Note~ Alright guys long time since I have opened this story but this time I will be editing this story and making it better. I am now 18 and when I wrote this stuff I was rlly young and looking back at these chapters they literally do not make any sense..... apologies.
Hope y'all enjoy1! <3


Here I go again, gosh going back to this platform gives me the chills. It has been a year since the war, last time I saw Hogwarts everything was destroyed after Voldemort tried to take over, so many lives were lost..

"Y/n! You coming?" Hermione's voice cuts through my thoughts "Yeah sorry" I reply "Hey what's on your mind?" She asked, I love having a sister like Hermione, she's always there when something is bothering me and I can always count on her to be there for me, "Oh you know, just the thought of having to come back scares me" "Y/n that's all in the past I'm sure this year will be better, I can feel it" I gave her a small smile.

We start walking towards the train with our luggage "Y/n! Hermione! Wait for us" Harry shouts, Ron following right behind him "Hurry up or the train is going to leave us" Hermione says while rolling her eyes clearly very annoyed already.

Once we had found ourselves a place to sit we put our luggage away and sit down soon the trio started to talk amongst themselves while I tune them out and stare outside the window and get lost in my thoughts yet again.

"Y/n" I hear my name being called out interrupting my thoughts "Huh?" I reply showing that I have not been paying attention to anything they were saying "We were just asking you if you did anything fun over the break" Harry said, fun? How can I? After everything that has happened. I take a deep breath "No honestly I spent every waking moment in my room, how can you even ask that? You know what happened last year." I bluntly responded "Sorry I-" "It's fine. Excuse me" I cut Harry off and excused myself and went to the restroom.

I stared at my reflection for what felt like an eternity, I feel bad for snapping at them like that but can you really blame me? I guess maybe you can but after everything that I went through... what we all went through when Bellatrix did what she did to me and Hermione.. I was in no mood to do anything over break, I fell into a deep depression.

I started changing into my robes when I heard a loud bang coming from outside the restroom. "Will you hurry it up in there, you aren't the only one that needs to use the loo" I heard a very familiar voice Malfoy Of course it's him. "Bloody Hell! I'm almost done can't you wait a little longer" me and Malfoy have never got along. We've been enemies since 1st year when he found out that both my parents were muggles he made sure to torture me everyday for the rest of my existence.

I stepped out of the lavatory and came face to face with him I'm not going to lie he has gotten more good looking than before but I would never forgive him for ever treating me like I'm less. "Move out of my way mudblood" and with that he shoves me out of the way.

I ignore what just happened and walked back to my compartment and meet up with the trio, even though me and Hermione are sisters we are different houses, she's a Gryffindor and me being in Slytherin. "Sorry for snapping at you earlier" I give him an apologetic smile "It's okay I understand why you did" he replies "So anyways, are you and my sister finally together now" I ask Ron rolling my eyes in a joking manner making Ron turn red Hermione smacks my arm "What?! All you did all break was send letters back and forth and all I could hear was you giggling like a high school girl with a crush"

A few moments go by and soon we had arrived at the place I dreaded the most, it's too foggy and dark to see the school but I already know we are close. Since we are older now we get to ride a carriage instead of the little boats that carried us when we were 1st years. We get all of our luggage and start heading towards the carriages

"Watch where you walk mudblood" I bumped into Malfoy "Well maybe if you weren't walking so slow I wouldn't ave bumped into you" I fired back "Come on just ignore him" Hermione said as she grabbed me by my arm. It took all of me not to use a forbidden curse on him.

At last I can finally see a view of Hogwarts only this time it wasn't destroyed, the places where there was once damage were all renewed as if nothing had happened last year, as if there was no war to begin with. We all arrived at the grand doors and were greeted by Professor McGonagall "Welcome back, before you all head to your dormitories there will be an announcement in the great hall along with the sorting of the 1st years"

As we walk inside I feel a sense of nostalgia. I wave goodbye to the trio and go sit at the Slytherin table waiting for this "announcement" to get over with. Professor McGonagall begins "Welcome everyone, as I have said earlier there would be an announcement. As you all know last year was not the best year and many lives were lost and this caused a decrease in the population but I won't get into that right now, so for now we will through the sorting and you all may begin to eat"

The 1st years began to step up one by one to get sorted. I didn't really care for what was going on I just wanted to go to my dorm and sleep when I felt like I was being watched, I look around to find the culprit only to find out that it was Draco Lucius Malfoy. Why is he even staring, I decided to skip the dinner and head to my dormitory. I quickly whispered the password and headed up the stairs toward the girls dormitory's.

Once I walked in I exhaled "Finally" I said to myself "Y/n!!" "Bloody hell, oh my gosh Eve? You gave me quite the startle" I said holding my hand up to my chest feeling my heart thumping "Sorryyy, it's so good to see you" She said as she hugged me, me and Eve have been friends since children but then were separated when I got accepted into Hogwarts, she attended Beauxbatons. "How are you here right now?" "I transferred to Hogwarts duh" she said, we spent hours talking and soon enough I went to sleep.


Alright I hope this was better than what I had before if not it's okay but anyways onto the next chapter <3

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 (𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 /X- READER)Where stories live. Discover now