𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2- The new Law?🧪

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Y/n's POV
I was woken by a knock at my door, I look over to see what time it was only to find out that it was 5 am. "Ugh I'm coming" I sighed but the knocking didn't stop, I opened the door and saw Hermione "Hermione what it's too early and you aren't even supposed to be in here how did you even get in?" "I have to tell you something can I come in?" Before I could protest she walked inside , I was now facing her arms crossed "Okay so you didn't hear this from me but apparently there is a new law and that's why McGonagall was so vague yesterday" okay now she's confusing me, new law? I gestured her to continue "The ministry sent new professors to teach a new subject, meaning we'll have an extra class and we have no say we have to take the class" Hermione explained.

Seriously a new class? Don't we take enough already "It can't be that bad can it?" I questioned to which Hermione just shrugged "Anything else I should know about?" I asked "Not that I know of except that once the younger students leave the great all for their class, we are to stay for further instruction" she says "Ugh seriously? Well isn't that just fun" she gave me a tight lipped smile "Alright I better get out of here before the other wake and I get in trouble" and with that she left.

I look over to see what time it was and to my surprise it was already time to start getting ready for my first day. Eve was still sound asleep "Eve wake up or you'll be late on the first day" I shook her lightly "Five more minutes mom gosh" I giggle as she spoke still half asleep "Come onnnn" "Okay fine" Eve rolled out of bed. I went to the restroom to change and put on a little bit of makeup. I put on a simple black skirt that hugged my curves just right and a green top, over that I put my black Slytherin robes.

I started heading out of the commons when I heard a whistle coming from one of Malfoy's goons "Shit Granger when are you going to let me hit that" Goyle, I could see from the corner of my eye Malfoy was glaring not at me but at his goon, is it because of what Goye said? "Shut it or I'll hex you and have you screaming for your mommy" I fired back and stormed off .

Finally arriving at the great hall I met up with Eve "Hey what took you so long" she questioned while she started putting food on her plate "Was it Malfoy?" She knows about how badly he's treated me because I would owl her about all the times he has mistreated me "No not this time" I replied "This time?" She asked "One of his goons said something, I said I'd hex him if he didn't zip it" I finally let out, she nodded and as if on cue Malfoy and his goons walk in and sit somewhat close to us.

"Alright now that everyone is here, you may all begin to eat and talk amongst each other though I do have an announcement for the students in the 7th year after everyone else heads to their first class, do make sure not to be late otherwise it will be 3 points taken from your house" some people shared glances and started questioning what might McGonagall speak to us . "What do you think she's going to talk to us about?" Eve asked from beside me " I think I might have an idea but I don't know for sure" I said and began to eat.

Soon everyone except the 7th years left and we were all just sitting in silence waiting to see what McGonagall was about to announce. "I am sorry to keep you all waiting but I have a short announcement" here we go.. "There has been a decrease in the population and this is troubling to the ministry, so the ministry has made a new law I will be explaining this law after you have received your potions with a parchment" with a wave of her wand there were potions sitting in front of us with a piece of parchment right next to it.

"Now as you can see the potions that are in front you, you will drink these potions and once you have ingested the potion a name should pop up on the piece of parchment provided" I gave Hermione a look from across the tables wondering if she knew about this and didn't tell me "It smells kinda like pears and raspberries and a mix of cologne" Eve said "Smell yours, is this like amortenia?" Hearing her question I picked the potion up and inhaled it.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 (𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 /X- READER)Where stories live. Discover now