Chapter 2

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(An: forgot to mention the ships in this book because their ship names can't come to mind-except for a few- and not only that but I am stupid so we have:

Tony/Derek(Later tho)
More to input later cause i am stupid as I established)

"Mom! what happened?" Isaac yelled and hugged Stiles. "well pup, Derek's original theory is correct, and people are after me." the pack stared at him until Liam broke the silence "Hold up, say that one more time" Stiles was a little annoyed but he didn't explode "It's just as I said, I'm pregnant and there are people after me" the pack stayed silent before freaking out saying things like "we have to protect him" and "we'll take care of you." As much as Stiles loved hearing these things from his pups, he sat down and sighed "There's something else too." he said and everyone stopped and looked at him "Apparently I have a uncle and he has been looking for me." Again, there was silence when Peter spoke up "And he wants to meet with his uncle" the pack started yelling at Stiles telling him not to do it "Why would you try to meet with your 'Uncle' when you haven't even heard about him?!" Erica yelled and the pack agreed with her. Stiles couldn't answer that question when there was a bang on the door "OPEN UP!" someone yelled "NO THANKS" Stiles said back and everyone looked at him "What?" "Even in a serious situation, you find a way to make some sort of sarcastic remark." Mason said and the pack snickered "OPEN THE DOOR!" Stiles was angry at this point, he put the hook on the other side and opened the door but it got stuck due to it being hooked "What do you want?" He asked "You" the stranger said but he laughed "and was is your name exactly?" Stiles asked and the man was silent for a while "Not talking huh" Stiles said and flicked his wrist sending the hand and the man flying backwards, he closes the door and slides down to the floor. "Here's the plan, Peter and Derek, you either find a house big enough to fit all of us inside or find a secluded part in like the woods or something and report back to me." they nodded their heads "everyone besides Lydia, go to the store" they nodded and Lydia looked at him skeptically "I need to have a talk with you" he said and she gulped and nodded "Alright, Everyone out!" he exclaimed and everyone besides Lydia left. She just stood their while the soon to be mother was pacing back and forth, trying to pick the right words before just saying it "How do you feel about being godmother?"


"Sir we got a problem!" someone yelled and the bald man looked up "What" he asked "The agent that you sent to get the kid was flung back from a unknown source" she spoke and Fury looked intrigued "Bring him in" he ordered and moments later, the agent was brought in "Describe to me what happened" Fury said and as the Agent opened his mouth, two others barged into the room "There's another problem" they said and Fury was getting annoyed, "What is it now" "You know how we said that we found him." one of the agents said and he nodded his head "Well, while we were following him, we assume that time froze or something because when we looked back, he wasn't there." Fury was now think about this even further "Was he with anyone?" "He was with an older man, possibly a guardian or a boyfriend" "Find out anything about that man he was with" Fury ordered and looked at the agent infornt of him "Now, tell me everything"


While Peter and Derek were looking in the woods, they were ambushed by a group of people and they looked up and someone chuckled "What are members of the McCall-Hale pack doing here in our territory" he spoke and Derek spoke up "We're sorry about trespassing Alpha..." "Amano" "Alpha Amano, it's just my uncle's mate ended up pregnant and were searching for a secluded area in the woods" Derek said and the man laughed "Do you really expect me to believe that Peter Hale of all people got a Second chance Mate?" and everyone else started to chuckle when Peters phone started to ring "Hello?" "Peter, you and Derek doing okay out there?" his mate asked "Yeah we're fine" Peter said a little to nonchalantly "You got ambushed didn't you" Stiles sighed and you can hear the facepalm "I knew I should've made one of the pups go with you instead of sending them all to the store." he said and there was a throat being cleared "I'll call you back, you must be busy" Stiles said and hung up and the Alpha looked down "Lets see what kind of compromise we can come up with" and he lead the Hales to their pack house which was basically a mansion.

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