Chapter 3

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While Stiles was zooming past everyone to get to the location that the stranger sent him through Scott's phone, Lydia was behind him giving him comfort until she was pulled back and knocked out with come chloroform and while Stiles noticed that Lydia was token, he saw that they were just dragging her to the location that he was going to so with no one else, he began to have a mini panic attack until he felt all the bonds from the pack and he noticed that they were in fear. Enraged, he called Scott's phone to see if the stranger would pick up

Stiles Unknown

I'm here, what do you want

Are you alone

No I came with a friend yes dumbass i came alone

No need for the sarcasm, just enter and say your name

The line went dead and Stiles just sighed, he reluctantly entered and stood in the center of the building, saying his name caused people in suites to go up to him and he didn't bother to put up a fight, possibly know that it could hurt his mate and pups (even tho Derek is older then him, he acts like a kid in a grown man's body thus one of Stiles pups). He was thrown into a room where his other pups are but everytime he tried calling out to them, they couldn't hear him. He groaned in pain as he felt a kick in his stomach region and saw a semi noticeable bump. Sighing in defeat and to tired to do a enchantment to hide what was noticeable and play it off as being a little chubby, he walked to the door when it was flung open and there were people aiming at him with guns, a hand and a bow "Serously, what is it with people aiming guns at me" he complained out loud and sighed "Well, nonetheless, you wanted me right, so let my friends go" he said and Scarlett came up "Why should we?" "Because Ms.Johansson, they did nothing wrong" "How do-" Girl, if you're going to interrogate someone don't do family and friends and ESPECIALLY don't go to the parents, that's like Rule #1 of trying to be sneaky" he said and she looked down with a slight blush on her face "Anyways, What do you want from me" Stiles said already annoyed with his predicament "We want you to answer some questions" the long haired blond said and he sighed "Well lay them on me, come on" he said and they looked confused but complied "Where were you when the police station blew up?" Stiles visibly stiffened and looked up "T-This is what it's about" he spoke and laughed "oh my god, you guys are so STUPID" he yelled out the last part and broke the glass that was in the room and walked towards the other room

"How did you do that" the man with his hand raised asked and stiles looked at him up and down before sighing "Could you be any more obvious Mr.Stark" and while the room was silent for a sec, the Pack saw their mother and ran to them "GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW" The man with his bow raised yelled and they didn't move "you asked for it" he said and there was a gas released and while it got down to their level, they didn't faint and instead broke the other glass and freed Derek and Peter and Stiles ran to Peter "Why did you hang up on me?" Stiles said and they looked at him "You're really asking about that when we have people that are trying to get you!?" Peter yelled and Stiles shrugged "They just wanted me to answer what happened last time when you know what happened." The air was thick as the pack knew what he was talking about. When Peter went to open his mouth again, he was cut off my Stiles groaning in pain, clutching his stomach once again, "He's a kicker, just like you" he said and the packed awwed. Someone cleared their throat and they all looked over to see the bald black eyepatched man "Do you want to explain what the fuck is going on?" Stiles sighed fully turned his body and looked at them "Well then, let me explain everything then."


After Stiles explained (Almost) everything to the people, he then went to the eyepatch man and extended his hand "My name is Stiles. Nice to meet you" the man seemed to understand what he was trying to do and he shook Stiles hand too "Call me Nick Fury" and he nodded and let go. Stiles noticed that Stark kept looking at him, then he would look else were and he decided to follow his gaze and he saw that Tony was staring at Derek and look away flustered. Stiles turned to Derek and he nodded his head and Derek just smirked and looked at Tony like he as his next meal. While all this was happening, the pack and the avengers haven't noticed a thing and stile jut laughed earning weird looks from the others but he did pay any attention to them "Anyways not that everything is cleared can we leave?" but before anyone could answer, there was a soft yet firm "Stiles" and when they looked behind, they saw Phil, Stiles' unknown uncle.


John was looking over a case, eating a burger when Parrish walked into the office startling John and almost hiding his burger. "Jeez, if my presence alone is enough to startle you then I don't know how you deal with jumpscares." he said smirking and John blushed a little and looked away "Oh shut up, you just-" John was interrupted when his phone rang showing Alan Deaton's name 

Deaton John

Hello are you there John?

Yes I'm here Deaton, what's up

I just wanted to give you some news on Stiles

Are you talking about the people that were after him?

No... This is completely different

What happened?

Well, I just flat out say it

Say what

Congratulations, you're going to be a grandfather.


Stiles just looked at the man and when he was running up to him, the pack got infront of Stiles and went into a fighting stance. the Avengers look at them confused but Stiles shook his head and stepped forward "Pack, meet my Uncle"

Hey... Sorry that this one is shorter then the others, I just wanted to get something out by this week and even though i have Thursday-Friday and Saturday, I knew that I wasn't going to get anything out so here's something i guess, Sorry again

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