Chapter 5

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Peter was stunned at the fact that his nephew found his mate and he wasn't happy about it "Oh." That's all Peter could say "W-why aren't you happy then?" he asked cautiously and Derek turned back to him "It's nothing, something stupid" he said and walked back to the rose bushes. Peter looked at his nephew and he understood that look that he had; after all, he once had that face when his wife did something embarrassing "What did they do?" Peter asked and Derek looked over at him "Like I said, it's something to not get sad/mad over" he said and picked another Rose "Anyways, I'm heading inside" Derek said and walked into the house and Peter stood there. He knew that pestering his nephew would get him nowhere and ignoring it would cause problems to arise so he was stumped.

With on thing he thought up, he ran into the house and ran to his mate where he was in the kitchen "Oh, hello Peter" Stiles said and Peter grinned "I know that grin from anywhere, who do you need me to talk to?" Peter walked behind his mate, wrapping his arms around him "You know me too well, I need you to talk to Derek" Stiles looked at him "Is this about his mate problem?" he asked and Peter nodded his head "I see, I'll see what I could do to get him out of this weird depression phase." Stiles said and turned to face Peter "Now, about earlier..." 'Oh no' Peter thought "Why did you hang up on me?" Stiles was sure that he heard the pack laugh but he heard Erica trying to shush them "Well, um. You see I..." Peter was looking for some sort of excuse and sighed "I hung up because I walked into pack territory" Peter looked down and Stiles laughed "That's all you had to say dummy" he said and flicked Peters nose "For now, go set the table while I get dinner ready" Stiles instructed and walked back to the meat that was on the stove.


The Avengers and the pups were inside a room closest to the kitchen when they heard Stiles ask that one question that he asked why Peter had hung up on him and while everyone was laughing, Erica was trying to shush them while the others look at them confused "Soo, you are all werewolves?" Clint asked and Lydia shook her head no "Didn't stiles tell you who we are?" she asked and while Clint shook his head, Natasha smacked the back of his head "He wasn't paying attention" and while the pack snickered at his pain, Lydia noticed that the man that Stiles called Stark was looking at Derek but he had an apologetic look on his face "So what are your guys aliases?" Lydia asked before anyone moved, Peter opened the door "Lunch!" He yelled and the pack ran to the dinning room "my god their children" Lydia said and the avengers laughed "How come you're not running over there?" Bruce asked her and she looked at him "three, two, one" she counted down and there was a lout crash "That's why" she said and walked over to the dinning room to see Jackson and Scott cleaning the mess they made while Stiles was tapping his foot on the floor with his arms crossed.

The adults just stared in fascination as a teen age boy was making kids his age clean up their mess "Do I really what to know what happened?" Derek ask as everyone jumped when he came out of no where "Jesus!" Tony and Steve called out when Peter also came out of no where "Derek, you should know better then that" Tony screamed and groaned "There's two of you?" he said and the two hales laughed at his displeasure and sat down at the table. Everyone started settling down at the table 


After the dinner with the avengers, the pack went outside with Peter's and Derek's order, they trained while others watched in fascination "It's interesting huh"Stiles said spooking the others for a little bit but go back to watching the pack. Moments later, Issac was flung across the field by Aiden and there was a sicking crack. While the Avengers looked in horror, Stiles sighed in annoyance "Aiden, why?" he spoke to himself and went to Issac who was holding the dislocate wrist "Let me see it hon." he spoke softly and he handed his wrist to him, whimpering and almost crying "Oh poor baby, you're ok. you're ok" Stiles said and put the wrist back into place, making Issac scream in pain "Look, your done! See, it's all over now." Stiles said and led Issac back to where he was sitting and turned around to see another pup fly "Goddamn it" he groaned and Erica rolled over "Guys, I know that your training but tone it down a notch, I don't want all of you to be in pain" he yelled out and they looked down "Stay here hon, let me get Erica" and he ran to the girl in pain, clutching her left arm and her right leg bent to the side "Oh no, you got it bad" he mumbled and picked her up gently and brought her into the house. "EVERYONE INSIDE NOW!" The pack winced and walked in solemnly while the others looked confused but followed the command.

Inside was a form of a warzone; with Stiles holding down a spastic Erica howling in pain as he tried to pop everything in place "Issac, hows your wrist?" he asked holding Erica while she kicked the air "um, it's better, just a little numb" he said and Stiles sighed in relief "Good, go with the pack and wait with them, if they asked what's happening, tell them I'm taking care of it." Issac nodded his head and walked over to where the Avengers and the Pack was sitting.

Heyyyyy... Sorry for not updating, I went to my uncle's house up in Victorville and played with my cousins soo I didn't take my chrome with me, also I'm still failing but it's only one class so it may be a while, I might be updating this every other week instead but i'll figure it out,

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