Part 13

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Naruto: no don't kill him!!!!

Naruto turned sideways hugging sasuke while looking at kiba.

Kiba: If u don't get off then I will harm myself

Naruto quickly got off sasuke's lap not knowing if what kiba said was true or not.

Sasuke: uh........that isn't cool

Kiba: hn

Sasuke: don't copy me plus when u do it it sounds horrible

Naruto: don't be mean

Kankuro: oh yeah.........horny basically is when u want to have sex

Naruto looked at kankuro with wide eyes.

Naruto: W-what

Sasuke and kiba looked at kankuro with the intent to kill

Sasuke: dipshit why would u tell him

Kiba: Come on naruto we're leaving

Kankuro: WHAT!!!! No babe please I told him because what if he goes up to someone saying he's horny

Kiba: He wouldn't do that

Naruto: w-why would people want to to have se-

Sasuke covered naruto mouth while kiba looked at him then at kankuro charging at him.

Kiba: look at what u got him saying u jackass

Sasuke: don't say that naruto

???: People wanna have sex because it feels good

All of them looked at the person who spoke. Kiba looked at kankuro then sasuke reaptingingly.

Naruto: b-but doesn't it hurt

???: Only at first

Naruto: w-why

???: Are u a virgin

Naruto: a what

???: A vi-

Kiba about hit the girl when kankuro grabbed him

???: What the hell is wrong with u

Kiba: get out!!!

Naruto: SHUT UP!!!!!

The whole room got quiet once everyone looked at naruto seeing his ocean blue eyes turn bloody red.

Naruto: continue

???: Are u a virgin

Naruto: what's that

???: Have u ever had sex

Naruto: no

???: Then your a virgin

Naruto: is that bad

???: Yes actually boys wanna get in your pants if your one

Naruto: and how do I not be one

???: Uh..........have sex with someone

Naruto: eek

Sasuke: GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!

Naruto turned around to see sasuke eyes a bloody red color. He heard the girl run out kankuro's house. He was about to turn around when sasuke and him met eye contact. Naruto quickly looked downwards.

Sasuke: I better not hear that ever come out your mouth again and if u tell me to shut up one more time I'll end u

Naruto: o-okay

Sasuke walked away from naruto to the room where the girl came from. When he was out of sight kiba spoke

Kiba: naruto don't listen to what people say she was joking okay

Naruto: b-but how was she lieing if sasuke got mad

Kiba: sasuke is just a bipolar guy that's just how he is

Kankuro: he's not that bad babe

Kiba just shook his head sighing.

Kiba: maybe only when he wants to be nice but that's not one of his strong suits

Kankuro: maybe but at least he tries

Kiba: yea um........have u talked to garra or temari

Kankuro: no u know we don't really talk

Kiba: but it's always good to have family around u babe

Kankuro: I know I know we've talked about this

Naruto just sat there listening to there conversation.

Sasuke: I'm heading out

Kankuro: oh.......where u going

Sasuke: to see the shit head

Kankuro: okay when u come back I'll probably be being dragged to garra or tamari's house

Sasuke: okay

Sasuke left without saying anything else. Naruto felt kind of bumped out that sasuke didn't say goodbye to him

Kiba: oh......don't look like that

Kiba grabbed naruto's hands pulling him to the door then outside.

Kiba: HEY SASUKE!!!!!!

Sasuke was about to leave when he heard someone call for him. He rolled down his window to see kiba pulling naruto towards him.

Kiba: u forgot to say bye to him. I'll leave u two love birds alone

Naruto's face was red as a tomato by the time kiba was inside.

Sasuke: he's bipolar

Naruto: y-yeah

Sasuke: why do I need to say bye to u when I already announced that I was leaving

Naruto wasn't trying to look at sasuke trying to think of a reason

Sasuke: did u wanna come with me

Naruto: n-no I just-.......I don't know

Sasuke: go tell him your coming with me

Naruto turned around walking towards the house.

Naruto: h-hey kiba

Kiba: hm

Naruto: I'm going with sasuke okay

Kiba: WHAT N-

Naruto didn't hear the rest because he took off running out the house jumping into sasuke's car. Kiba came running out the house trying to get naruto out the car. He was to late sasuke had started his car speeding off. Naruto started giggling when he grabbed a hold of the handle in sasuke's car sticking his head out the car then half his body. He sat on sasuke's door waving bye to kiba when naruto's hand slipped of the handle and the door opened.

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