Part 10

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When naruto opened his eyes he seen sasuke fighting one of the three men while the others were on the ground out cold. He slowly started getting up witched had caused him to have a head ach.

Naruto: o-oww

Naruto squizzed his eyes closed as the pain intensified. He felt someone grab him bridle stile which had him shooting his eyes open scared of who it was. He seen sasuke holding him realizing that he was rushing him to his car. Sasuke had put him in the passenger side while quickly running to the driver's side. Once he was in he made sure naruto had his seatbelt on then quickly started the car driving off. Sasuke looked in his mirror then started smiling.

Naruto: why are u smiling

Sasuke: their chasing us


Sasuke: hn

Naruto felt his body jurk sideways as sasuke made the car do a willy.


Sasuke: look in the mirror

Naruto looked in his mirror to see a car that was on fire in the middle of the rode. He turned his head in disbelief only to see sasuke holding a gun in the air.

Naruto: w-why do u have a g-g-g-

Sasuke: gun

Naruto: y-yea

Sasuke: that's nothing for u to worry about

Naruto was about to call sasuke a teme when he heard a explosion close by. He looked out the window to see the car on fire. He started trying to unbuckle his seatbelt when sasuke had grabbed his hands still looking at the rode.

Sasuke: if u jump out I'll just chase u then fuck u right then and there. Do u want that hn?

Naruto gulped knowing sasuke was a guy who meant what he said. He just looked down wishing he had never told his dad he could stay with kiba.

Sasuke: if u don't answer I'll do it

Naruto: n-no

Sasuke let go of his hands letting silence take over. The sound of naruto's phone ringing let naruto breath again, He was never a quit person. Naruto didn't know if he was aloud to answer so he looked at sasuke who didn't say anything.

Naruto: hm

The ringing of the phone died down as naruto tried his best to throw hints at sasuke to let him answer, but sasuke wouldn't budge. Naruto was worried what if it was his dad or kiba? What if his dad was worried now that he didn't answer? What if his dad thought he was dead? What if kiba was in danger trying to get ahold of him? What if kiba was trying to say goodbye to him cause he's dieing? Naruto couldn't handle it so he looked sasuke about to say something when sasuke cut him off.

Sasuke: do u really need my permission to answer a phone😑

He stayed silent not knowing how to answer him.

Sasuke: give me your phone

Naruto gave him his phone scared of what he would do if he didn't.

Sasuke: yo.....he gave me his phone........what?..........yes........shut up your not the boss of me mutt......neither is scare crow...........

Naruto just sat there wanting to know who was talking to him. Sasuke looked at him then turned back to the rode setting the phone down.

Naruto: um.......who was it? Was it kib-

Naruto was cut off by sasuke's lips on his. He didn't know what to do at first, he just sat there letting him kiss him. Soon sasuke pulled away looking at naruto.

Sasuke: kiss back dumbass

Naruto:What if I don't want to

Sasuke: you have no choice now

Sasuke stopped the car pulling naruto into his lap kissing him. He tried to pull away but sasuke had put his hand on the back of his neck forcing him on him.

Naruto: t-eme

Naruto soon melted into the kiss, trying to match sasuke's movement. Sasuke pulled away when he heard naruto wimper.

Sasuke: uh.................

Naruto: s-sorry

Naruto was blushing really hard when the car had came to a stop. He didn't know where they were but he didn't dare question it either.

Sasuke: I'll kiss u again later okay baby~

Naruto: o-okay

Sasuke: come on

Sasuke opened his car door letting naruto get off him. Once naruto was out  sasuke followed suit getting out and putting his hand around his waist walking him to a door.

Naruto: where are we

Sasuke: kiba said to take u here

Naruto: oh

Sasuke: come on

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