A/N #2

969 19 3

Hello! I guess you weren't expecting that to happen, did you? No? Yeah, I didn't either. And you're probably wondering why. And I'll explain it to you!

So I had posted Chapter 14, which is "Punishment." A few days later, I check my notifications and see that I got one from one particular user. Our conversation lasted 6 total comments. This is how it went (and since I cannot curse, I will use symbols for this):

User: kinky #$% 

Me: Nooooo 🤣

User: (to me) nooo??

Me: No to the noooo. Billie isn't kinky . . . .

so far 😏

User: (to me) omg im so excited now

Me: (to her) I'll find a way to add something soon. I think I have an idea, but it'll require some planning

User: (to me) OOO YAY

The user is zara_kuku

Go follow them; they inspired this.

So that's that. The story is now a gxg. (Oki then!) Because of my religion, I'm not exactly allowed to write smut. My parents don't even know that I have Wattpad, so maybe I'll try to sneak one by them. Just for you guys! 

You're welcome in advance!

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