2: Caught

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The person — who has the voice of a girl — grabs my wrist and forcefully pulls me out from underneath the bed. Her arms wrap around my waist and holds me tightly against her. Her black hair is spilling over her shoulders and tickling my face.

Back then when I was 7, I went to a self defense class; and now, 7 years later, it's time to show this girl who I really am.

I angle my foot backwards and kick her in the gut. She groans in pain but tightens her grip. I sweep my foot around and get her in the side, and she lets go. I make a mad dash downstairs. When I reach the kitchen, I see the front door. I sprint as fast as I can. Right before I make it, I'm grabbed from behind again and yanked to the side. The girl is on top of me and reaches in her back pocket for something.

I grunt and try to kick her some more, but I miss. She takes a white cloth out of her pocket which smells pretty strongly like chemicals. All of a sudden, I know what's going to happen; I hold my breath as she holds the rag over my nose and mouth.

I know I'm going to have to breathe soon; I can feel my face turning blue and my lungs burning with a fiery pain.

She pushes against the cloth harder. "Breathe in," she instructs me. Her voice founds familiar, but I can't remember where. "Or things will get really bad for you." 

I obey the girl and let out a breath and begin to breathe in the fumes. My nose starts burning and I start tearing up. I start feeling super tired, and my eyelids start closing.

The last thing I see before I black out is a set of ocean eyes staring at me.

Then the world goes silent.

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