T e n - Heptameron

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The same moon shined on the water of the river where Yeri waited for Mark, as promised. She looked at her wristwatch with a frown. Meanwhile, a few minutes away the Lee car finally reached the villa and everyone got out. Mark ran around the house to get his bike and wheeled it out on to the road. "I have to go!" The two men smiled at Mark's passionate haste. "Are you going too?" Professor Lee asked Johnny.

"No prof. I have to work."

"How about a drink to celebrate the day?"

"That would be great."


Johnny sat working at his desk in his boxer shorts, only the desk light was on. A lit cigarette was between his fingers as a radio played some summer music at a low volume. Johnny wrapped up his corrections on a page and marked it. "To be typed."

Meanwhile, Mark rode on his bicycle on the way to the river, trying to catch his date with Yeri. When he arrived, no one was waiting there. He called out her name. There were soft sounds of little waves lapping on the river shore but no sound of Yeri. The moon was brighter than ever and had risen quite considerably.


The following day.

A thunderstorm and heavy rain dashed in the garden and poured from the roof spouts. Inside the villa, the three Lees were sitting in a row on a big couch as the lights flickered. "Have you seen my Heptameron?" Mrs. Lee asked. "It was over there..." Professor Lee pointed at a desk and Mrs. Lee found the book.

"This version is in German but I'll translate.. A handsome young knight is madly in love with a princess. She too is in love with him... though she seems not to be entirely aware of it. Despite the friendship... that blossoms between them or perhaps because of that very friendship, the young knight finds himself so humbled and speechless that he is totally unable to bring up the subject of his love. One day he asks the princess point blank: 'Is it better to speak or die?'" Mrs. Lee started translating as she brushed her son's hair with her fingers.

The lights suddenly all went out in the house, the music from a long playing record died to a stop and there was a shout in the kitchen from Jungwoo. "I'd never have the courage to ask such a question.." Mark said, still thinking about the knight and the princess. "We were once your age. The things you feel... and think only you have felt, believe me. We've suffered through all of them and more than once- some, you never get over and others... you're as ignorant about as you are today." Mrs. Lee nodded in agreement.

"Make new friends if the old ones don't interest you but stop hanging around the house all day. Books, books, books, always books. Play more tennis, go dancing more often with Yeri and Wendy- you like them, don't you? Get to know people..."

"Find out why others are so necessary in life and not just foreign bodies to be sidled up to." Professor Lee added. They sat in near darkness as the rain beat against the window panes. Mrs. Lee spread a quilt over the three of their knees as she said, "It's getting cold in here." Just then, the lights returned and the music resumed.

She looked at her son and ran her fingers through his hair tenderly. "Do crazy things if you must."


The next day.

The storm had passed leaving a coolness in the air. Mark played the piano but he was immersed in thought, his mind elsewhere. He broke off, got up and moved from room to room downstairs. The kitchen was empty as well. Mark noticed that Johnny's bike was missing so Mark went up the stairs very quietly and along the corridor he shared with Johnny.

He approached Johnny's door like a detective looking for clues. He was about to open it when heard the sounds of someone coming up the stairs, he opened the door to his own room instead and walked in. Jungwoo appeared in the corridor, holding the laundry of the two males. He brusquely opened Johnny's door and put Johnny's shorts, socks, handkerchiefs and his blue billowy shirt on his dresser.

He went out then knocked on Mark's door. "Open." Mark said, Jungwoo went in with a pile of the same sorts of clothes which belonged to him. Mark layed on his bed pretending to read a book. Once Jungwoo left, Mark listened carefully to his retreating footsteps and when he was safely gone, Mark stealthily went into Johnny's room through the bathroom they shared.

He looked around Johnny's room, his cheeks a slight blush.

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