S i x t e e n - Silence

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Mark and Yeri wheeled their bikes through the town streets. Mark saw a book stand and asked Yeri to hold his bicycle. She watched Mark as he feverishly browsed through the stand. His eyes widened with satisfaction when he found something he liked. He bought the book before returning to Yeri and handing her the book.

On impulse Mark kissed Yeri behind the ear. She seemed to freeze and he kissed her again. "Did it bother you?" He whispered to her with a smile. "Of course not." She whispered back before pushing Mark away with a sneaky smile. "Why did you buy me this book?" She changed the subject staring at the large book in her hands.

"Because I felt like it."

"Yes, but why did you buy me the book?" She emphasised the 'me'.

"I don't understand what you're asking."

"An idiot would know what I'm asking."

"I still don't follow." Mark's eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he looked at Yeri. "You're hopeless." Yeri sighed as she started to walk again. "If you don't tell me I'll imagine all sorts of stuff." Mark said loudly as he started following Yeri. "Give me a cigarette." She stopped in her tracks as Mark caught up to her. Mark handed her one before they continued walking again. The walked in silence very slowly as they wheeled their bikes. There were bursts of sound like TV's, family arguements and music from behind shuttered windows.

"Do you really read that much? Don't get me wrong.. I like to read too but I don't tell anyone." Yeri broke the silence.

"Why don't you tell anyone?"

"I don't know.. people who read are hiders. They hide who they are. People who hide don't always like themselves." Mark nodded as they continued wheeling their bikes towards the direction of the town square.

"Do you hide who you are?"

"Sometimes. Don't you?" Yeri looked up from the ground to look at Mark who still looked at the ground. "I suppose. Do you hide from me?" Mark finally looked up from the ground and into Yeri's glowing eyes.

"No, not from you. Or maybe, yes, a bit."

"Like what?"

"You know exactly like what." Yeri turned her view back to the floor.

"Why do you say that?"

"Why? Because I think you can hurt me and I don't want to be hurt." She thought for a moment, stopping in her tracks before looking back up at Mark. "Not that you mean to hurt anyone but because you're always changing your mind, so no one knows where to find you. You scare me." Mark leaned over and kissed Yeri lightly on the lips. She stopped by the gate of the town square.

"Kiss me again?" Mark smiled before holding her face with both hands, leaning into her as his hand went up under her shirt while hers went into his chestnut brown hair. They entered the town square courtyard and went into a dimly lit corner. Her hips responded to his without any inhibition. There was nothing between their bodies but clothes. Yeri slipped a hand between them and down into Mark's trousers.

"You're so hard.." She said in a slightly surprised tone.

"You're making me harder." Yeri smiled, her eyes hooded.

"Kiss me again." He did so. "Do you really care for me?" Yeri was frank, human, vulnerable and eager to confide. She kept her hands down in his pants as they kissed more passionately, Mark's hands strayed all over her body.


Later, on a deserted spot on the river, Yeri and Mark made love on the grass. He pulled out just in time and ejaculated on her belly. They burst out laughing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Mark apologised in between laughs. He kissed her on her neck one last time before pulling up his pants and dropping onto the grass with a slight sigh of relief, ignoring the guilt he felt as he thought about how he'd rather do this with Johnny than with her.



It was now dawn and Mark was sitting in his room at his desk, naked. His small lamp was on as he wrote in a small school notebook. He teared out a page and started writing a letter to Johnny.

Please don't avoid me. He crumbled that up.

Please don't avoid me. It kills me. He crumbled that up too.

Your silence is killing me.  "Way over the top." He whispered to himself, crumbling up that paper too.

Can't stand thinking you hate me. He teared that up too and tried again.

I'd sooner die than know you hate me. He laughed before tearing it up and writing one more.

Can't stand the silence. I need to speak to you. He read the note, smiling.

He liked it.

Mark got up folding the last note and slipping it under the door that separated his and Johnny's room.

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