S2 the team rest matt and Annie have some time alone

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Last time the team save Annie people from a bad time and got them doctor place where they were safe and sound

It was late when they got done with the job the doctor said you and your team can stay here tonight ok then matt said thank you so much for this ok.

Then the doctor said we have two rooms here with one bed in them so you have to choose who they sleep with matt ok.

Matt said ok but before that can we get a bath right please then the doctor said yes you can have a bath here I show you where they are ok then you can rest for the night and get some sleep.

The team was getting a good bath and was happy to have a bath right now after bath time matt said ok team let's get ready for bed soon because I'm getting ready to go to sleep soon and I going to bed now goodnight girls see you in the morning, ok and matt was asleep.

Why matt is sleeping on the couch Annie said what does matt sleep on the couch like that then the doctor said well he asleep but I said they were two rooms here so you will have matt here sleep with then Annie said I will ok.

Wild said what but I what matt sleep with me not you Annie then she said the doctor said they are two rooms here and matt is sleeping with me ok.

Wild was not happy about that but they play rock paper scissors for who matt sleep with Annie said are you ready for the game then wild said yes I am best 2 out 3 OKs then Annie said fine no magic ok.

They begin to play this game and they were having fun with this game but in the end Annie win and wild lost Annie said good game wild but I win so that means I have matt tonight ok.

Annie got her and matt ready for bedtime when matt got up and said Annie what going on right now then she said that you going to sleep with me tonight matt and we going to have some fun tonight ok.

As Annie was getting undress before matt it was making him love her then she ask matt to help her get her ber off and he did that then they begin to have fun in the bedroom together and matt said really for me to go in then Annie said yes I am matt then matt put it in and nick her up.

Then matt and Annie what to bed was this time they sleep through the night time lite did matt know about Annie that she can get pregnant and have kids if her body said so the other way that she can get pregnant when she on her time of the month.

But Annie was not pregnant after that because her body said no and she was not on her time of the month but wild was on her time of the month and she what matt sleep with her not Annie because she loves matt two.

Next time training day Zelda come back and enter Tery 

Matt team we'll be done what will the magic will the team lender

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