Enter the next wave annie down matt new power enter Glass

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The last time Zelda was on the team and matt with kay battle a dragon now the time they get ready for the next wave

Matt and Annie with Zelda were in the town after the dungeon run matt said yes now we have a lot of money now so let's get some new sword of you Kay and for you Zelda let's get you a new bow ok.

When they get to town matt said let's get some new stuff of us ok now matt and Kay with Zelda was at the blacksmith getting some stuff when matt said to the blacksmith hi there what can we get this time and the blacksmith said how much you going to pay this time matt and matt said it will be around 300000 this time is that ok the blacksmith said yes here you go my finest work matt for kay new sword of you matt you can get new armor of you and for Zelda here a new bow.

Matt said thank you so much for this ok and he said Kay and Zelda let's get ready for the next wave it's about to begin they get ready for the next wave when the blacksmith said to Zelda I know who you are princess so have the good stuff ok Zelda said thank you so much for this ok.

Matt said 3 2 1 it's gone time and they were off to fight in the wave when they get there matt said first they get the town people out of here we can fight this wave ok as the wave was going on kay said to matt hey this wave is going on too long so its time I am going to use my new power then she said two hand stile sword.

Matt and Annie were fighting in this wave and Zelda said ok Matt let's get This wave done and nobody will not get hurt ok but as the wave what on matt and Kay with Zelda was getting tiered out and matt said come on guys get the job done with now, please.

But as matt said that Annie what down and said help me matt please and matt said ok I am on the way now but when he gets there where Annie was going to die and matt had seen this and he gets mad and his new power came out two play.

Now matt was using his new power for the dragon that was killed for the power it was ice dragon slayer power now matt has that power two save the world or to decide the world his but right now this power needed it in this wave.

Now matt was attacking everything in the line of sight and Annie was getting the hell up by Zelda and Annie said what is this power that matt using right now but Zelda can't tell her right now because she doesn't know.

Matt said now all died ice dragon wing attack and freezing all the monster all in the area now with the monster was frozen in the area matt how seen the boss monster on this boat and the other hero's was on this boat.

Now matt made his way to the boss monster that was on the boat to kill it with the dragon slayer magic the other heroes were on the boat when the spear hero said hey guys I get a bad feeling right now.

Dave said really jake why is that man that john said you jake has a bad feeling right now but then something happens to the bout the other heroes were mad and dave, jack, and john said what the hell who that and they seen matt this fox come on down for no reason.

Matt hade saw the other hero's and said hi there guys I am here to help you out with this boss monster ok now matt has put his paw on this boat and said now freezing all over this boat and kill all the monster now.

With this boat was frozen the boss monster come out and matt said hi you died now I cost shield prison then chin prison then said goodbye iron manding then the boss monster was death all thanks to matt.

The other hero's said what the hell was that the shield power was at that time Annie and Zelda came in the boat and matt you ok I am so happy and sorry about getting her ok and Matt said that ok you lean and grow ok.

Annie said ok now this wave is over but the other boss monster come out but someone said power dance rain and kill the other boss monster and hi there my name is Glass and I am you not your friend here but I come to kill you.

Glass was in a dress in was pink with red in it on her feet was black shoes her head it was black now glass said died sleeping dance kill rain and attack the hero's but matt said I do not think so main shield and back the attack then matt said Annie go and run now and you two Zelda run.

Glass said no way matt now died and she said power dance rain but matt block the attack but said shield person now matt attack glass but used the dragon slayer magic matt, ok I freezing you ice dragon freezing rain, and Glass was frozen and matt said now run for it and get away now everyone runs for glass and the wave was done.

Next time matt and the king enter wild

What's is this the wave is gone but matt has to meet up with the king and matt will go back where she got Annie and now he gets I, a new friend

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