Chapter 11

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Stefan and Elena weren't talking, and the atmosphere was tense whenever the group got together. Nobody except the Salvatores and Elena knew why they'd fallen out, and they didn't want to share what had happened at the picnic. Ottilie was doing well. With a healthy diet, she was starting to look less frail, and had even grown a few centimetres over the months since Stefan and Damon had adopted her. That weekend, Rebekkah Mikaelson had offered for Ottilie to go and stay with them. She thought that maybe Damon and Stefan might need some time to themselves for a change. Ottilie was very excited at the thought of a sleepover at the Mikaelson mansion, full of some of her favourite people.

On Friday after school, Damon helped Ottilie pack a small bag to take with her for the weekend. 'You'll be good, Ottilie, won't you?' he asked teasingly, knowing full well that she'd be no trouble for the Mikaelsons. She nodded enthusiastically. 'I promise!' she said. She said goodbye to Stefan, who was more drawn and quiet than usual since the incident with Elena, and Damon drove her to their friends' mansion. He carried her bag to the front door whilst Ottilie hopped up the stone steps. She rang the ornate doorbell and the large wooden door opened almost immediately. 'Kol!' she cried, happily.

'Hello darling!' he said, and swept her up into his arms, spinning her around. 'Do you want to come and see your room?' he asked. She nodded and he took her hand, leading her into the house. Damon followed, and saw Klaus with Rebekkah. He went over to them. 'Thanks for having her,' he said. 'God knows I need to have a good chat with Stefan this weekend.' They nodded. 'It's no trouble at all, it'll be fun to spend time with her!' said Rebekkah excitedly. Damon chuckled at her enthusiasm.' You say that now,' he joked, 'but wait until she gets you up at 6am to play with her!' Rebekkah shrugged.

'I have all the time in the world to sleep,' she retorted, teasingly. Damon sighed, suddenly nervous about leaving Ottilie for an extended amount of time. Klaus seemed to sense his unease and placed a hand on his shoulder. 'Don't worry, Damon' he said. 'We will look after Miss Ottilie as if she were one of our own.' Damon nodded, knowing that he spoke the truth. 'Just don't let her get too excited or worked up, you know... I'm just finding it hard to trust other people with her, no offence'. Rebekkah smiled kindly at him.

'We understand,' she said. 'But we know what to look out for, and should the worst happen, you're only a call away,' Damon nodded.

'And Elijah trained as a heart surgeon about 50 years ago,' joked Klaus. Rebekkah rolled her eyes. 'Bloody hell, Klaus. Way to fill him with confidence!' Damon laughed,

'It's alright,' he said. 'I know she'll be okay with you.'

Klaus called Ottilie down to say goodbye to Damon, and she hugged him close. 'Have a great time, little lady,' he said, placing a kiss on her head. She jumped up and down, excited.

'I will do, Damon. Have a nice weekend with Stefan!' she said. And with that, Damon left her to it.

As he drove home, he noticed the full moon, heavy in the sky. 'Well if that isn't an omen, I don't know what is...' he thought drearily to himself. He found Stefan nursing a glass of bourbon in front of the fire. 'Brother,' he said. 'We need to talk.' Stefan nodded, unwillingly.

'I just can't believe what Elena said about Ottilie. I didn't think she had a horrible bone in her body, but she's reacted so badly to everything that's happened with Otti' he said, sadly. Damon poured himself a drink. 'I think we need to come to terms with the fact that Elena isn't perhaps who we thought she was when she had our undivided attention.' Stefan disagreed. 'I think she's maybe just scared that with our focus on Otti, that we won't be there to save her when she needs us.' Damon shrugged.

'Then she obviously doesn't know us very well' he said.

'What do I do, Damon? I can't be with someone who hates my family!' he said. The corners of Damon's mouth moved inadvertently to a smile as he heard Stefan talk of Ottilie as his family. 'I think you're going to have to talk to Elena,' he said. 'You know, reassure her that all is fine. Why don't you take her out for dinner tonight? Show her that you value spending time with her and all that?' he suggested. Stefan nodded, brightening a little.

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