Chapter 51

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"Hang on for me, okay? I can't lose you. I won't."

Ottilie heard the desperation in her father's voice, and tried her very best to hold on to what little consciousness she could, but she could feel her strength fading, and it was getting increasingly difficult to breathe. She felt her eyes start to shut as Damon called to her again, trying his best to hold on to her.

"Otti, you're scaring me baby, keep your heart beating, okay?"

She could feel it slowing, sluggish and pathetic, and she willed it to keep going, just a little longer, at least until everyone was healed. Forcing her eyes open, she gazed unsteadily up at Damon. "love you, Dad," she managed, in a hoarse whisper, trying to unsee the desperation in his face as she felt her consciousness slipping.

"Oh no you don't, Otti," she just about made out, before a sharp pain in the centre of her chest shocked her back awake, and her eyes fluttered back open to see Damon rubbing his knuckles roughly over her sternum. "Stay with me!" Damon demanded, his teeth gritted as he grabbed her face with his hands, willing her to stay awake.

She looked from him to Stefan, feeling her heart start to slow to nothing. She saw Damon's eyes leave her face and lock with Stefan's, who nodded. Damon removed his hands from her face and she almost groaned as she lost the comfort of him holding her.

The next thing she knew, Damon was pushing down hard and fast on her chest, trying to keep her heart pumping for her. She looked up hazily at his terrified, yet determined face, and felt a wave of pain wash over her as her ribs broke under the force.

Her eyes slowly starting closing, and she heard Damon sobbing, "come on, Otti!" and the guilt replaced the pain. This wasn't fair on him, she thought, on any of them. Perhaps it was best for them if she simply drifted away...

The next time Ottilie opened her eyes, she was standing next to one of the large standing stones, completely unharmed, with the woman staring at her, concern all over her face.

"It's not your time, Ottilie," she said sadly, walking forwards to take the younger girls hand in her own, turning it over to trace the lines on her palm. "You've yet to balance nature, you cannot end the Adfectus line."

Ottilie didn't speak, just gazing at the beautiful woman in front of her.

"You need to fight, Ottilie" continued the woman, holding Ottilie's hand with a firmer grip now, as if willing the strength into her.

"I can't," said Ottilie, quietly, averting her gaze from the piercing eyes of the woman. "All I do is cause my family pain. It's better this way."

The woman shook her head vehemently, "no, it that is not the truth. Your family needs you. Only you can defeat the upgraded original vampire, and should you not, your family will cease to be. Marcel Gerard will not allow them to live."

"Ottilie, please..." she heard Damon sobbing, and she looked around for where his voice had come from. "Otti, come back!"

Ottilie felt the panic start to lurch at the thought of her family dying because she wasn't there to protect them, and looked back at the woman with terror in her eyes.

"I'll fight – please, just tell me what I have to do."

The woman nodded, her face set in determination. "I will send you back, but you will have to grapple with your ill health to survive. Fight like you have never fought before, and when you feel like giving up, remember what I said. This will not be easy for you, Ottilie, and your greatest sacrifice is yet to come, but remember, as I said before, you are not alone. Good luck, child." She shut her eyes and slowly loosened her grip on Ottilie's hand, and Ottilie felt herself being pulled away from her by some invisible force, before she was suddenly back on the cold ground, the incessant pressure still on her chest as someone pushed down on it.

"I've got a pulse!" she heard someone announce, perhaps Klaus, the relief evident in his voice.

"Otti, stay with us, okay? You're doing so well, sweetheart, I'm so proud of you, and I love you so much. Just open your eyes, please..." Damon was whispering in her ear, but although she tried her hardest, with every ounce of strength she had, she couldn't open her eyes.

Feeling air being pushed into her lungs, she tried to force herself to take a breath, but she couldn't seem to remember how to do it. She was relieved when suddenly oxygen was pushed more forcefully into her and she felt gentle hands lifting her onto something smoother than the ground. There were voices around her, hushed but urgent, saying things she didn't understand, giving instructions that she couldn't quite make out.

"I'll go with her," she heard her Dad say, and she felt relief wash over her as he took his hand in his rough one, stroking it gently yet firmly.

"Don't you leave me, little Otter," he whispered into her ear. "Because if you do, I don't think I could live without you." She relaxed, and let sleep take over, knowing that she'd made the right decision by coming back. Yes it would be tough, but with her family around her, she could do anything.

"Damon, how is she?"

Damon's head shot up in the direction of the voice, and was met with the concerned, guilt ridden face of Lexi. He shrugged, not knowing what to say to her.

"Damon, I'm so sorry, I don't know how you can ever forgive me. I must have fallen asleep, but I wasn't even tired, I just don't know..."

"Lexi," he interrupted, holding a finger against her lips in an attempt to stop the torrent of sorrow filled words spilling form his girlfriend's mouth. Instead, she burst into tears, and he found himself wrapping his arms protectively around her, pulling her to him and stroking her hair gently.

"Lexi, it's not your fault. I don't blame you."

"You don't?" she sniffled, pulling away to study his face for verification.

"I don't," he said, smiling slightly at her. "I'm pretty sure out little witch may have had a hand in helping you drift off – she said that she knew that Marcel was going to attack – she planned this."

"Still, I should of..."

"No. This is not on you, Lexi" he said, firmly, holding her face in his hands and gently wiping stray tears from her cheeks.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know," he sighed, and for first time, Lexi took in the strained features of his face, and how tired he looked. "It wasn't looking too good for a while," he said, looking away from her. "Her heart stopped in the forest, but we managed to get it going again just before the ambulance arrived."

He looked at his girlfriend's hopeful face, hating that he had to tell her what happened next. "But then she crashed twice in the ambulance."

Her jaw dropped, and she clasped his hands tightly.

"They managed to bring her back quickly the first time," he continued, his voice numb and monotone, "but they were still trying to revive her the second time when they brought her in. She's in surgery now."

Lexi sighed shakily, not knowing what to say, but was saved the hassle of coming up with something by the rest of the group rushing in.

They hurried over to Lexi and Damon, most of them clutching opaque water bottles and coffee cups, one of which they handed to Damon, who, having quickly inspected it's contents, took it gratefully, sipping at the blood inside. The scene would have been almost comical had it not been for the fact that they were waiting to hear about Ottilie.

"Any news, brother?" asked Stefan, gently, placing a comforting arm on Damon's shoulder.

Damon shook his head. "She's in surgery now. All we can do is wait."

Stefan nodded grimly and went to call Caroline who was out of town to tell her what was going on.

"She's strong, Damon." He turned to see Klaus, looking paler and more drawn than usual walking towards him. "She's a fighter. She will survive this, you'll see."

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