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✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Wildin' .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

Tatyana Destiny Lynn 17 years old

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Tatyana Destiny Lynn
17 years old


I heard the door bell ring and I sighed before getting out of bed then I made my way down the stairs.

"Who is it?" I questioned as I grabbed the door handle to open the door.

I opened the door and standing in front of me was my- well now.. ex, Asher.

"What do you want?" I questioned and he looked down. "Uhm look, I'm sorry baby. For everything. I just snapped when I saw you with another guy and-" He started and I cut him off.

"What are you talking about? I'm only friends with guys! It's been that way eversince I met you. You should know ion fuck with no bitch friends." i told him and he looked down before mumbling

"Now I know."

"You cheated Asher. YOU cheated." I told him looking him right in the eye and he sighed before looking down.

"I know but I won't say I'm sorry Anna. I had my reasons and I feel like they're valid enough." He told me and I looked at him feeling myself start to get heated.

"Let's lay them out. What were your oh so valid fucking reasons?" I questioned and he looked down.

"Anna, we've been dating for more than a year and I have absolutely no idea how yo lips feel on mine. All we ever do is cuddle and the only places I'm allowed to kiss are your cheeks and yo forehead. I wanted sex and since I never got it from you, I went to go get it somewhere else" He told me and I nodded.

"I don't give a fuck about the fact that you got sex from someone else. All I'm saying is that you could've been respectful and broke things off wimme - I wouldn't have even minded!" I told him and he looked down.

"I understand-" He started and I cut him off.

"and on top of you disrespecting me, you pushed me." I told him before shaking my head. "Ion even know why I'm talking to you right now, Asher get out." i added on and he looked down before looking back up at me with a sad smile.

"I hope one day you'll know that I did it out of love" He told me before opening the door as I stood still with my face scrunched up.

He then stood in one place with wide eyes and I looked to see what he was looking at only to see Kentrell causing me to sigh.

He pushed past Asher then looked at me with anger in his eyes. "You were supposed to be in jail!" Asher yelled causing Kentrell to punch him causing him to fall down immediately.

"Kentrell!" I yelled before pushing him back and he wiggled his arm out my grip and moved to the side to get a better view of Asher over me. I looked back at Asher as he held his now bleeding nose then I looked back at Kentrell.

"This time go tell 12 I gave you a broken nose and watch how you ain't finna see the day after this one." He threatened before bucking and Asher quickly ran out the door causing me to mug Kentrell

"That was so unnecessary" I told him before walking off to go sit in the living room.

I heard the front door close then some footsteps telling me that he was coming my way.

"I ain't even finna ask." He told me before sitting down and leaning back on the corner of the couch.

He then took one of the decoration pillows and placed them on his lap before tilting his head then he looked at me.

"What yo problem is?" He questioned and I looked to the side before giving him a bored look.

"Nothing." i told him and he nodded.

"Lemme try that again, whatchu on ?" He questioned and he looked at him before looking away causing him to let out a low chuckle.

"If I leave out here, I ain't coming back." He told me and then it was now my turn to let out a chuckle.

"You must think I care. I already dealt with that this weekend. Ain't nun new. Maybe that's the deal witchu. You fuck and duck but not all the way if the pussy good so you come back again to fuck." I told him and he furrowed his brows

"Whatchu talking about?"

"You! You fucked me and left right? then what? no calls? no message? nothing. You must think I'm one of yo lil hoes." i told him before looking away from him.

"I ain't call yo dumb ass cause I was in jail. Yo lil boyfriend that was here laid a charge on me." He told me and I immediately felt bad.

I opened my mouth to ask if he was okay and he spoke again causing me to shut up. "I'm good." He told me and I nodded before looking down.

"Next time make sure you ask before jumping into crazy ass conclusions" He told me and I nodded before telling him I'm sorry.

"So that's why yo ass been avoiding me all day at school?" He questioned and I nodded before nervously smiling.

Nope, I just couldn't stop thinking bout Asher and I - ...

"Glad we sorted that out." He told me before looking at me. "Come here" He instructed and I looked on the side trying not to smile

"Come hereeeee" He whined and I got up before walking over to him. "Sit on my lap." He instructed and I did as told before looking at him.

He placed his hand far up my thighs and my dress wearing ass' breathing hitched a bit.

"You ready to scream again?" He questioned while slowly moving my underwear to the side.

"Ye-ahhh" I started before it turned into a moan as he unexpectedly pushed two of his fingers in me

I couldn't stop thinking about Asher and and i's break up and the fact that I'm so glad I let you be my first.


Chapter thirteen.. up next !

-They crazyyy-
-Excuse any mistakes-


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