Wake up

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I woke up with the sound of some weird beppings.
My head, my arm, my chest, and honestly, my whole body was hurting.
I felt a little dizzy, and didn't move, hopping that the felling stopped.
After a while, I started felling better, and opened my eyes.
I was in a all white room, and right besides me was a bunch of machines.
I tried to think how could I've gotten there? Last thing I remember, I was being attacked by my dad, while my mom screamed.
After a while, I finally realized that I must be in a hospital room.
That means that Aizawa-sensei must have gotten at my flat really quick. I wonder where he lives.
The door opened, and a nurse came in, she was wearing one of those things that nurses wear now, that I've only seen on TV before. She said hi with a nice smile (she smiled with her eyes), and started to do something with the machines.
   – Alright, I'm going to need you to answer some questions. Can you give me a thumb yes and two thumbs no? – asked the nurse, motherly.
   I answered with one thumb.
   – Good. – She gave me a smile. – If you don't know the answer of any of this questions you don't need to worry, just tell me, ok?
   – Great! First, do you remember what happened?
    – Ok. Hm, is anything hurting?
     – Looking at your injuries, I'm gonna guess it's the all body. – She chucked, and I answered with a weak smile. – Is it really bad?
     – Are you sure? We can give you something to help with the pain.
     I wanted to say thanks, but yea...
    – Ok.
    She proceed, and after a while, I was able to answer her with my own voice.

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