Chapter 18

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Getting ready for our mission to get Elizabeth back, Zach walks in

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Getting ready for our mission to get Elizabeth back, Zach walks in.

"I don't know how they could have even done it." He says.

"Done what?" I ask picking up a gun and sliding it under my shirt.

"Kidnap her, this place is heavily guarded and they're the worst gang ever." Zach groans and picks up his knife, putting it under his sleeve.

"We'll find out everything when we get her back." I respond while taking some knives and shoving them into my boot.

"We will." He says before walking out. I go over and grab my last gun,walking out behind him.

We meet everyone in the living room and I sit on the couch next to Jack.

"I hope I get to kill someone. I haven't done it in so long." Jack whispers to me.

"Don't worry I'll let you kill someone." I whisper back to him laughing.

Ella and Jonah stand up.

"Ok guys let's go." Ella says walking beside Jonah sitting in one of the cars that pulled up. We all follow them and get in. The only people going on this mission is Jack, me, Zach, Ella, and Jonah. Corbyn and Daniel decided to stay behind.

"She is being held where?" I ask Zach.

"In this warehouse near the harbor." He responds. "It's close to our safe house." I nod and turn back.

When we arrive, Zach steps out and I slowly walk beside him.

"Should we just barge in or should we do this quietly?" Ella whispers to Zach.

"We'll do this quietly." Zach says. Everyone nods and we all climb the roof.

"Shay and I will get Elizabeth. Zach, Jonah, and Jack you guys will only guard us." Ella says to everyone.

Slowly crawling through the window, Ella and I land on one of the beams that support the roof.

We walk around to look over each room. Eventually, we see Elizabeth knocked out, tied to a post. She was badly beaten with bruises and blood covering her body. I felt bad for waiting so long before getting her back. Ella looks around the room and sees a guard guarding the room.

"Don't shoot, we want it quiet so I'll use my knife." I whisper and she nods.

"Okay, you go over and handle him while I get Elizabeth." She says walking over to the other side of the room. I slowly creep over and jump down making a sound that makes the guard jerk around. I stab him in the neck before he can say anything and get us caught. As he falls limp, I take my knife out and blood spews all over me and my shirt. I wipe the blood away from my eyes and mouth before turning around and seeing Ella talking to Elizabeth. When I walk over to them, Ella looks at me with her eyes wide.

"It's his blood." I say before she asks any questions. She nods and turns back to Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth we're here we got you, you need to stand up." Ella grabs her arm, earning a groan from Elizabeth.

"I don't know if I can stand up." Elizabeth manages to get out. Her voice is raspy from the lack of water I assume.

"What did they do to you." I mumble to myself before picking Elizabeth up.

"How do we get out without being seen?" Ella looks around the room and I nod towards the beam again.

"You climb up there and I'll hand you Elizabeth." I say walking over to where the beam was. Ella starts climbing, before we hear a gunshot.

"Shit." Ella starts climbing faster as we hear voices coming closer. Once she's on the beam I hand her Elizabeth. The voices then come from right outside the door.

"Run!" I yell to Ella.

"What about you?" She yells back.

"Don't worry about me just get Elizabeth to safety and I'll meet you guys back at the safe house okay?" I look back and forth between them and the door.

"Shay.." she starts but I shake my head.

"Trust me." I say sternly.

"Fine." Ella starts running and I turn around taking the gun from my shirt getting ready.

As soon as the door opens, I shoot the first guard, who falls limp. A large man runs in and I shoot him as well.

"Wow look at you." I hear a voice say. Daeva.

"Shut up." I say back. "We got her back what the fuck did you do this for?" I ask.

"So we could get that little boyfriend of yours of course." She responds.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You'll see." Is all I hear before a needle is inserted into my neck, the world spinning, as I fall limp.

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