Chapter 19

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I woke up in a daze and looked around

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I woke up in a daze and looked around. The room was still spinning and I blinked a bit to see more clearer. Looking in front of me, I see Zach chained and tied up the same way as me. He slowly lifted his head and looked at me.

"Shay?" He asked.

"What the fuck happened?" I frantically look around the dimly lit room, trying to figure out where we were.

"I let Jack and Jonah run ahead of me to the safe house and I went to see if you guys were okay, but someone pricked a needle into my neck." He responded. I start recalling everything from last night and mentally slap myself for letting all of this happen.

"Is Elizabeth safe?" He asked after a while.

"Yes, I had Ella take her to the safe house while I decided to fight the oncoming guards." I respond.

"At least they're safe." Zach says sighing of relief.

"They're awake." The devilish voice says. I turn to see Davea.

"And I meet the bitch again." I groan.

"The bitch is in control now though." Davea punches me, filling my mouth with blood.

"Davea what the fuck." Zach screams as I spit some blood out of my mouth.

"I'm still mad about the whole wrist thing and when he came to me asking for help, I couldn't turn this down." She smirks walking over to Zach and touching his face.

"Who is he?" I ask.

"Oh! Silly me. I forgot to tell you guys!" Daeva shoots up and opens the door, revealing no other than Vladimir himself. "Surprise!!"

"You're fucking joking." Zach says basically reading my mind.

"I'm sure you guys are very confused." Vladimir walks over to me tapping my nose. "I knew it was a trick when you came to see me."

"I shot a bullet through your fucking head." I say.

"Not mine." Vladimir laughs. "My twin." He adds.

"You got your own twin killed because of your greed?!" I practically scream.

"I did. He was a pain in the ass anyways." Vladimir calmly says walking over and picking up a knife. "Now who to torture first." Vladimir walks over and cups my face. "Mrs. Mafia princess." My nose scrunches in disgust and he lets go walking over to Zach. "Or Mr. Mafia prince." Vladimir points his knife at Zach.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Your mafias of course." Vladimir responds twirling the knife in between his fingers.

"Then why haven't you just killed us already?" Zach says.

"Because torturing you guys is more fun." Vladimir smirks before stabbing my shoulder.

-Ella's pov-

"They said they would be here and they aren't." I throw a bottle at the wall, glass shattering everywhere.

"They're able to protect themselves Ella. I'm sure they're okay. We can't go back though it's too dangerous." Jonah hugs me from behind, making me turn to cry into his chest.

"Why do they have to be so fucking selfless." I sob.

"I don't know." Jonah shakes his head holding me tighter.

"Guys Elizabeth is awake and says she has some important information." Jack says from behind us. We nod and start walking to the icu where Elizabeth was being held.

She was not in a good state at all. She had a broken leg, both broken arms, broken nose, a concussion, and internal bleeding. I tried my best keeping her awake while making it to the safe house, but she soon fell asleep and I couldn't help it no matter how many times I kept waking her up.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Elizabeth sitting next to her bed.

"Not so good." She answers honestly. "But I have some very important information." Jonah and I nod. "Vladimir is alive."

"Elizabeth.." I start.

"No he was there Ella I swear." She almost screams. "He did all this. Daeva is responsible for a couple bruises on my face and the broken nose but everything else was Vladimir's torturing."

"How are you so sure?" Jonah asks.

"Daeva would call him Vladimir. Not gonna mention their makeout sessions, but they also spoke in Russian to each other and only spoke in English when talking to me." Elizabeth sits back and sighs. We both nod.

"I think I know the location where Shay and Zach are being held." Daniel says walking in. We all jerk our heads toward him. "Elizabeth you were able to take some of the things they said in Russian to each other and repeat them to me. Using a translator they said they would be taking Zach and Shay underground in a place called "The battleground". Do any of you guys know where that is?" He asks looking at us.

"I do. Zach used to fight there before he became mafia boss. Daeva's gang owns it." Jonah walks up to Daniel's computer and points on his map. "It's there."

"So they're being held under it." I say standing up and walking over to the computer and looking at it.

"That's what I think." Daniel answers scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay, the. let's go get them back." I say.

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