Meeting the girls

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You awoke from probably the longest sleep in your life..You opened your eyes to meet a black ceiling with glowing love hearts all over the place, you looked around and rubbed your eyes which got flooded with everything that happened that night. The memories of the klowns chasing you and your dearest friends out of the woods, your eyes meeting with the reddish brown ones that belonged to the first klown you saw in the food storage room and lastly you being put into a ridiculously giant bubble/balloon and you then realised you couldn't have been where you called home when you saw the giant ball pit and then two klowns that didnt seem to care that you were staring directly at them and then you noticed that they were girls you didnt know what to do or say so foolishly you just kept staring at them until a door was clicked open drawing yours and the other two girls in the rooms attention

From behind the door there stood a rather big built klown he had a name badge on that read 'Dealee' you observed him for a while until he finally saw you staring causing him to walk over waving to the other girls as he walked by

"Good to see you have awoken"

He plainly said offering one of his 4 fingered hands to help you stand up from the couch you were lying on. You hesitated but took his hand and you got pulled up rather carelessly so you were now stood up and somehow this klown was even taller than you when you were stood up making you obviously intimidated

Dealee looked at you for a while before his fixed smile widened

"You're special"

You just smiled slightly so it didnt seem rude that you were scared and a few seconds went by of you just smiling awkwardly as the big klown observed you

Time skip 😭😩

You were now in a dressing room of some sort and you were told by Dealee to 'get ready' You weren't really sure what he ment by this so you just started looking at the outfits on the clothing rack which were all very revealing to say the least and you didnt know what looked even somewhat decent to wear so you plopped yourself in front of a mirror causing yourself to squeal but then quickly covered your mouth and stared at yourself in the mirror for awhile

"What the hell happened to me..."

You looked at your face which seemed to have now over exaggerated features and well you were a klown due to curiosity you decided to change to see if this happened to all of you and after a while of looking through the outfits in the rack you chose one that interested you and wasnt too revealing put it on

You looked at your face which seemed to have now over exaggerated features and well you were a klown due to curiosity you decided to change to see if this happened to all of you and after a while of looking through the outfits in the rack you chos...

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Your outfit 🤪🤪

You saw that your whole body was a powdery white which didnt surprise you at all you then heard a knocking at the door so you slowly clicked the lock and let whoever it was in

To your surprise it was a girl klown with fair red hair she looked nice enough so you shut the door behind her as she entered

"You are very beautiful" she said softly as she admired your figure

You just smiled shyly as you watched her start brushing her hair

"So... uh what exactly did Dealee mean by get ready?" You asked

The girl klown looked at you almost in guilt

"You didnt know?" She whispered as if there was someone in here

You shook your head and continued staring at her for an answer

"All female klowns are only created for the entertainment of the male klowns..." she whispered loud enough for you to hear

You internally gasped part of you sort of expected it however you were still disappointed that your purpose was to just entertain a bunch of alienoid klowns

"Well...I guess since I'm new here I should try give them a performance that they'll never forget.." you grinned

Ayo part one 😩 hope yall enjoyed it 💀

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