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Never in a million years did he think he would have the most beautiful woman sleeping soundly in his arms. Her head rested on his chest, raven hair sprawled against the pillows in waves of black, chaotic and free. His wife breathed evenly, lips parted ever so slightly, and the deep rose color of them was a hard temptation.

Over the years, Adar took luxury of her soft lips countless of times, yet each time that he did felt like a new taste all over again, a familiar sense of belonging, a home for his love. Absentmindedly, he traced the curve of her sun-kissed cheeks with his knuckles, touch as soft as a rose petal, gentle as a flowing stream.

She stirred in her sleep, and he found himself smiling down, eager to see those captivating dark eyes.

"Why are you awake?" she groggily asked, snuggling closer to the firm muscles of his chest.

He couldn't stop his grin as he placed a chaste kiss on the crown of her head, allowing the heat of the touch to linger. "To spend my morning staring at you of course," he whispered against her skin. His hand traveled along the curves of her body, stopping at her hip. "How else will I cherish such a beauty?"

She yawned, stretching against him. "You are still such a flirt," she said, laughing. "Are the kids awake yet?"

"They've been asleep since Fajr (dawn prayer)." A dreamy grin crossed him as he pulled Rabiya back into his arms, caging her to his body as she laughed in that velvet melody of hers. "Which means we have a peaceful morning to ourselves."

His wife slapped his chest, causing a grumble to escape him. "The least you could do is wake up early and make me a cup of tea."

"Now, where would I have the time to admire you?" he mused, sitting up. "With eyes as mischievous and sultry as yours, I would be a fool to pass up on a morning in bed with you."

They started to laugh in each other's presence, the sound coming out effortlessly. Like always, their small round of banters led to a wave of euphoria to embrace them, full of the the light from early in their marriage and consumed by the flame that continued to grow.

The more time Adar spent with his wife, the more he allowed her flames to burn him.

Loud pattering of footsteps dragged their attention away as the yelling and fighting of small children entered their room. Lucky for his kids, their parents were still fully clothed.

Adar sighed, sending his wife a longing glance.

"Abbu (father)! Ammu (mother)!" yelled the chorus of voices as their bedroom door was pushed open.

Their daughters came running in, hopping on the bed and into their parents awaiting arms. The eldest daughter, Naeema, walked into their bedroom with a blank expression, glaring at her siblings.

"I told you to wake them up quietly, not to jump on their beds!" she exclaimed. Naeema pinched the bridge of her nose. "You two ruin everything."

Safa, who was ten and the middle child, only shrugged. "There's no fun in being quiet."

Rabiya gathered their youngest daughters into her arms, kissing the crowns of their head.

Through their marriage, the couple were blessed with three overly active girls, Naeema, Safa, and Afrah. The oldest being a fourteen year old high school student and the youngest barely above the age of eight.

Adar tilted his head at Naeema, a teasing glint in his dark eyes. "Cooking breakfast, are you?" he asked as he raised a brow. "Is there something we should know about?"

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